Testy Gimnazjalne7

Testy Gimnazjalne7

Test 8 G# A

5. Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, a następnie zdecyduj, czy podane niżej zdania są zgodne z treścią tekstu, czyli prawdziwe (TRUE), czy fałszywe (FALSE). Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt. (4 pkt)

People everywhere think dolphins are magical animals. They are beautiful and intelligent. There are lots ofstories about dolphins saving people in the sea and at the Dolphin Research Centre in Florida dolphins swim with mentally-handicapped chi Id ren. The dolphins are very gentle with these children. There are special places where you can swim with dolphins but these places aren't only good for people. They are good for the dolphins because the dolphins are free to go back to the sea when they want; they can jump over a Iow wali.

But dolphins are in danger. Most dolphins die because of fishing. Fishermen leave big nets in the sea to catch tuna and other fish. When the dolphins follow the fish, then the nets trap the dolphins and the dolphins die. Also, the fishermen catch too much fish and in some places dolphins don't have enough food.

Occasionally people catch dolphins and put them in dolphinaria. These are places where dolphins can't go back to the sea and people come to watch them play.

Adapted from Mary Glasgow Magazines, Crown 4/1997




Dolphins have saved many people in the sea.


In Florida, same children can swim with dolphins.


Most dolphins die because there's not enough fish in the sea.


Dolphins can't escape from dolphinaria.


6. Usłyszysz dwukrotnie 5 krótkich wypowiedzi. Do każdej z nich wybierz właściwą reakcję. Zaznacz literę A, B lub C, a następnie wpisz ją w odpowiednią kratkę. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt. (5 pkt)

A.    My wife has a backpack and a bag.

B.    My suitcase is black and very heavy.

C.    That suitcase over there is minę.

A.    Yes, please.

B.    Help yourself.

C.    Open the door.


A.    Yes, please. Can you?

B.    Yes, thank you very much.

C.    Yes, a little.


A.    Of course I will.

B.    How to get there?

C.    NI take a taxi.


A.    When is your birthday?

B.    Happy birthday!

C.    Come to my birthday party.








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