(40 punktów!
1. Napisz pruśby i pul^tmia w mowie zależnej, ii7yw.ijąr cr«! tnwnikńw luh (r<!.
Ann cuuldnl aiiswer ihe qu«tliun so she tnkvd Miuy ió h<tt.
1. 'PIkko, would you wałnr tho p an:r,?/
2. Tum Lidl musie duwn!‘
My p^wnhs wen* w^tninp. IV so my fcvhcr
3. 'Cculd you feec the ca:. Amanda?'
Tl»e cat was iuiiyy *> I
4. Can you Five me the hair dryer, plpiiw, Idy-p'' Michacl anc I %verc olmost roadv when -.c
5. Tum, please doili, make any nuib mess!'
Inm was rrvlirg and "he kitrhpn Inokrd teinhlr, 30 I
I ssuildenły ’«k sery s eepy su I
7 'Helln evęr>/ore» M"*?*1, don’t mak-p a aniv» ■ The baby had jur* fdler atlccp. so
8. 'Hey, Dav**l Start the wigine!'
Tlie mechanic liad linished ctenglngllie oil so ie
2. Przekształć zdania w mowę zależną.
&campfc loe sa d, 'I want to swim tiom :he beach.' Jim miii i'dial} he <vuntad la *t/p» front thot beach.
5. ‘Tli? Anderson* hfven't nvived,‘ |ill said 'I saw then* this mnrnine/
6. I i ay l»uy «* u«y/ ielevisitn set today/ Geor^e said.
7. We h,avo invited seme friends for d nner next =ikJdy.' my parę its said.
8. ' don t have :.ny money because I lott my waHet aal niyłii, M«*r Li i; saki.
‘ [ I’*
ćxanp/c 'What 'hall I do :o hc p?’
He wked u* »kat he ahvuld do to hel//.
1. ‘Dld you anjoy the film :hls even ng?‘
I_n-y freiiJs ___
i. ’Have you doe deri nn a n;im:- fnryour baby?' The ntirse _us_
3. ‘Which icg is huitiigyou today?'
I hp d-ir+nr_Tf___
1. Wi I ycu pay fur the jacket today or nsxt wwki' Th o shoc as^istar t _me_
ś. 'What time will you Ice.vc dic ncusc totrorrow morning?'
My fal! iei _me _
V. 'I arr Inni- nj> fr>r a twn-hedmc.med fiat in thts a'ca. John said.
!i. 'K thi.s where you
Tnc t£:<i dr vcr_ihe old coupłc
3 lVe went to Madrid last surrmer' i lelen said.
7. 'When tlio '>oi hear about my aeddent?' My seler me
8. 'Włiu is gu ng to play ii steaJ uf y-ju?' T ie team manajt=r ___me _
4. 'My Luollier woiks for L ne Naliondl Bank Iłtrt/ Mary said.
C Pearsor Educalion Ud 20C1