<211 punktów;
TS$t I 1 (25 punktów) ^0St 12
Wstaw a i żi/j lub (ht tam, gdzie jest to konieczne.
ć\arpple He v/orks m a bank for ojght hoir? a day.
1. Thtae aie _rundred ccrtimemrs in a metro.
2. Mary p ays_gaitar vcry well.
3. Wliat do ycu usuE.lly have for_crealdast?
4. II ireet yoa a:_Marks ard Speneefs,
in the rhilcr«n's soc<s department.
5. He always weere_tan:astic doili es!
(). Gould you pess mii_salt. pleosei
7. John is__actcr.
8. Thcir rings are mace o'_whito gold with tlieii
names on the insicle.
9. The htiscomes orce_dayexcsptonSundajB,
when thfro aro tvvo.
10. They went dimo ng n _ An Jes Mountnins
and vrere alrnr.st kil śd
1'. I WOŚ at srhon wh^n I beard the news.
‘ 2. May I hove g)nv; nf oranee juicef
'3. He wds on_television a«t nisht bu" I nfcsed
‘4 We met at Statron ~nd went on to eat in i.n Ita ian 'cs-jurar.t.
15 Hz bas_most comoiiotcd famly I knr.v/.
Tficre are 14 unciesa-d aunts.
1G. I lav= you baon to _park opp-.ns te rh.- arr
gallery? lt's fuli of litlle la<cs.
17 Aie yuu yoo:l at_o.nydcs? I always secm
tn jret the worst niarks.
15. You cojld iii ;t jp wiLi_hot rilk and \ve'll
fp.ke i: wiHn i s.
‘19. hc v/fis foliowing <n Aud and s VoVo. wIkih Audi suddenly slopoed.
20. most people like living in the city
2T. I dnee hzd durken wn r».*d lwi. but it disappenred one dzy.
22. Haveyou c\cr been in _lover? It’s wordeifu
and tordfclc et the sane tim*.
23. It was forsę r>'clock in_rrotniri? when
the phune rang.
24. Weil, are they or arert tl>cy at_nomu?
25. It s in a smali yil.agc on the banks of_Kt\-or
1. Przekształć zdania. Użyj właściwe; formy czasów nika przyczynowego hi ve tak., jak w przykładzie.
Emr.płe Tor r.idnk Boy up lii* loam łiimself. Ha hc,il it tidied vp.
1. My sisio- Jion't ispair hor cat he-self.
2. Tlie Browna aren t buifd ngther hoase themsekes.
3. We don': jsaally c.it ,hv grats o jfstlves.
<-. Poler isn‘t go ng in paini his -ocm himself.
5. I h?.vert pienced my years -nyself.
5. O nr rejgbuurs don'c u$ual!yclesn the winrlown.
7 I didn't ai: my hair my«?!f, 6 ócay Mcnica isn'L washiug l»w car hersclf.
ę. je.ck hasn'tdioV/n the picure himsrlf.
lf!. My parents d dn't plant tlie tr?es the -i**lv^.
2, Utwórz zdania twierdzące, przeczące lub pytające. Użyj czasownika przyczynowego <xł'/e w odpowiednim czasie i »\7o1ów podauydi w im*lasach.
iiarn-Jr 'A'~ i ł-\'er huve ihe car u-gsAsrf Ithe car /\var-h> in Hia me.-rhanical tir v^ash at the potroi starłem.
1. Ihere s something v/rcng wi li tlie garabe door.
We- rc __j<ikvays./ it / fix).
2. Yuur ulu Ford boks great. New o‘‘-?n__
_Si i ser/lcc)?
3. <ate lc.vss _
•her hśli / cu:i at Dirc and Głno's
4. Whe'® _ (your
Camera/repair)i I -c * ashv/ss.vtwciking, v^s it?
5. Ckongc you* lite!------(your
home i repaint) by Gmen ard Black decoratorei
6. We'vsgotlh*patior.nd:h«swiniin igptx;l nos-.,
W rai elsc do \Vfl nesd _
ido) Lu the garden?
7. _(your tulhioori / net
/pat inl by amate.rs. Cali Ihe :rofessio ais tetłay.
fl. We cculdn‘:w:it_ latennis
eo.rt / boi c) su wa mado a one c.uiselves.
9 Pete-_(hi;;
tooth / not / pul out) ye.tfer-.ay I he rlent st fillad it arc asked him to cor e b:d< after sorne timc. m voar CD player seems to Je wciking ;.guh.
__;it / rcDair) reoertfy?
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