Test 8 (23 punktów;
1. 15 p.rktów
' datfljt-wy ? Kun t nt 1 rnntłn': we
4 shouldn'1 łu-y
5 did you
6 arentl
7 kt
8 <an you
9 murt t
10 woni it
1 i dldo‘1 Aov 12 nccc we u wć,'r'r sic
14 m^hl-Yt yru
15 diX5 it
2. 10 punktów
1 óotw hol
2 V/an'; thcy?
3 Zoll
4 Jic fXK l WC?
5 ant W
0 M gł-t *hsf'
7 Sńptld Ihey?
8 Zf.n you?
0 M nlnl wc?
'0 Czntihó?
Test *J (20 punktów)
1. h purktów • P
3 O •1 Z
2 14 punktów 'd'\<. puntiy jl< kuc* poprawne zdanie!
1 3: tótrwrt /cu wlth Sarzli latt n gl t?
2 3: Didnt lic dc Sn 19?/?
i 3: Doni they iiy ihar eggs in holes in the sax<
4 3: Ar ar': txry frtnr thc LSA!
5 3: Dicnt <hc go to New ZCŁlandl b i: lioc.n t sh’ pzy the yiolinf
7 3: Airr’l w; wving a ł?ŚĆ in żręlisn
nrat nwekl
Fest 10 (25 punktów)
1. 5 i. nttó>w
1 Ani --an naJe
2 was to d
3 wiłnthjn
4 Mterr* hpr jfwr# lorn i Kntpbyed
2. i pt nktów
1 Yi tri o « i litł-r I <!•*-<I.
2 wl cru l as UnWyS riewipape- b?i« pul?
3 Wl y Iks ilu; du^ byt* dbwyu to como Into lh« łiojto?
4 Thosr.iwłsurrkt; ha</»i a# lie»n oa cn, 3 wc YYvtr’-.b£entoldwher Jie piane
will kavc
3. 3 punktów
1 Wl I on school Icaiii be beateu
2 mjU Lc wor t
3 may b* iukl
4 snculd not b; ea.pn
5 Can |ami :jc wo n
4. 10 punk’.<Jw
1 l isalfccdy becn desfined
2 wai no: y.olcn i isvn«cd
1 wre 0-c crmnals eoeght .5 w II bc <k-livcfcd •5 h r oi fir.bhcc
7 Axe mr4 <r ihr nliv«* tn-rs n ll.i y crown
i I l-n your mr'ti «vy-|»> l.ec i «i>pa rw 9 ccr no: bc copicd 10 yrt? nul ‘\*ali*yj
Tcsl 11 |
(25 purktów) | |
1 3 |
TO tk- |
ift - |
2 Iha |
11 - |
19 he |
3 - |
U * |
20 - |
4 - |
13 - |
37-4 |
5 - |
14 tko |
32 - |
i ihc |
15 Ii-o |
33 Jics |
7 ar |
ie d’c- |
24 - |
3 - |
i? - |
2S ile |
d n |
Tesl 12 (20 punktów)
1. 1U puntd6.v
1 Shc had it icpairod.
2 i hcy arc l cvm£ ii buiL 1 Wc tuualy have t cul.
4 l ir .? jjrinj lo h»vp i: paintnc-.
5 I Myt*.nadIliom pcn.cd.
{', Thiy ii.ii.i ly haup łu-.n «l«rnd.
7 I »i-J il Lii
fi (Teda/ sio !; wl tr It wast ed S Mh bas nad li •ł'a.vn.
1C ~lny lud Jietn pLinluci.
2. 11' punktów
1 ahrays hi.Yirg it (««ci
2 do w>j naw it ir. Yirsi.
T haviii(> Wi Iwir cni
4 d d you Kave your ceircrn -i-Miifd
5 Huvc youi Iwiiit icpurinlcd
4 lo h»vc tona
7 Ctrl'l Imw '/•>* ba.liioo u pu: in t k> h£ve a tennłs couit buik <t ddn t xidli rootn pulled nu:
10 Have you had ii re-pafrół
le»l 13 (JO punktów)
1. 10 punktów
1 hndssrc
2 K.nd'': traired
3 had Jiłbn luft
* had alteady hć;d
5 had aecn
(i hid t accr 7 (ndrl l? t
fi |-*d you .ik^nidy lnvn:
9 hack-ttold 10 had ihc dane
2. 20 |xrktów
1 hadr T Icfl; g-y.
2 had jusl sirited; bejn
3 drd you sen:; rcaliscd
4 hnd firith-nH; h.łd
5 nadri'? un-Writóod; trld (* ni aiiCrdy tólWn, cy-ł 7 -tód Stic Mu di od; tóok
•» 8 Jdn'1 itfji>w lud wtikct 9 Bt\t; had yju mH
10 ud yeu /a lad; pos.cd
Tost 14 (20 punktów)
1. 10 nur i:tó\»-
1 infl; niriwo*
? alłpf, f nknra
2 whoi $ct
4 av cutin 44; ltavtt
5 bsfunj, invlc
2. 10 punktów lewa punldy ea kaudc
1 Hrfore kwinj for lic a r)X’.r, nake juic you’vc got you- pubjcil willi yc-u.
2 ll was ra ning narJ 10 I :ook my umb-eh
A ivłv iniłlici .md falln"i ak>av4 wcJi llie dkh» tóiyrll er a'nr tinid itę; a mcal
4 ;.Lk W44 4l tlIt" CICHU Lll
ilialN wy H.) he ddnt d:» lii* humytwfc.
5 They speni tna d.tv jt tne boad' becaxathe wccilnr wasse wcndodul.
Tust 15 i20 punktów)
1. 10 punktów (jeder pund za ka2d4 poarawn? łennę czasownikz)
1 iaI asenJ; would they htve jionc
2 wuu dnT hi4C no:, vndn t gone
1 won dn't h-nur mowrei; wl kro\w •l wint W len; wodd baw won
5 wd *f4int ,'l .ul lecitcd; wi elo vwc U3S«l*d
2. ’ 0 punktów (Jeden pund 2d kzźda poprawny Ir rnc ezaiownika)
llfiHti+i hadwakt n ,«■ ywl> •:rv:ngh łh:1 niij tr' iwn idnt) xi»ti n wre nrr fl ghi.
2 l( Ił w sun I ćdn t bocii i»j bii< il. niy Icm-mijfl iwuJd, in.lbiw gu. kun dl.
3 k»4ia c«;ufc [w.iultł 7 nij^ 0 ’uvt* znnu lo Rona if she h-djiau eno^pli money.
4 li I hzd liaonac :o my psrwts.
I weulcrl miŁhin li K)yb faltón i.-1~ the bdder ćnd brokon wy lag.
5 Mikę cculd wntld i mitł-g lyw
bougli. .n ncw niku r hi: h y.ln'; wasted 31 his noncy.
T«1 16 (35 punktów;
1. 30 nurktów -jeccn punkt za kzzd*
poęrawna tómx awawn U)
1 hnd: don! :cll
2 wouklYl buy; wcrc
3 Woilld vn.i :ir; lo«
4 h/d i>lc(; v»i» 4(1 ]n f r.o.idl hi«e lic^-ęd
5 help; wtul bc abc
5 h-d irtiled- va*.1:I yot luw ^.:nc 7 w*Jiil J your port* ti diouw? bid B zre\ve£o nRCodo{eba Vvdl wc-cfc): r.nins
-3 bud eculc (woud)^>
1J liad Yt rared; .w>u d (m ght..' MukO ha w; eon*
11 wmld Icioc dc ni wtr.r
12 Naw shel va: 'can wc- / nijght wc i are wft .ping tó / will wc) go
13 d.vun't nirńar; wontg^
14 wauldr‘1 nat« tłou.cd n*:lrT ((iłJplUm
15 wun/wii; wmilrl i'l im- lo/w:m1 have lc
o Pea-son Ecucation Lid 2001