Untitled 11

Untitled 11

• Uae Aieta‘8 odginał peyote tubo as a focad piece. Stnng it on soverai strands ot Power Pro. and fwutfi the end* vmth seed boads for a muttłstrand noc klace.

• Make a braoełot by stitchiog two 2%-ln. (7 cm) peyote tubos. Stnrsg mcm on beading wiro, eeparated by an 3 mm pe&fl. a 17 mm Bit sib'«ł bead, and an 8 mm.


Annett© 5 purpte nec*l»co ueoe as throo dflsiyi element*. but you can customlzo your pieca to suit youi tastos. Hero arc o fcw idcos:


[1]    Add a ncw thread in the necklace IkUc, and csnt an I lv m the tiret roond ot twrringhonc. Ptck up an akcent bead and a tS‘ seed hrad,skip che 15*. and w hack rhrough the acccnt bc.id and the hond your thread cxited at the start ot thb step {photo c). Se w through an adjacrnt 11‘.

[2]    Gontmuc at in itep l Jtouitd the tubę. ptckiug up 3-6 mm atccuf bcads a< dc*ired. Start wirh smal kr beadś

in a mix oteolurs at tiie edfce ot the hcrringbotie tubę, and swiuh to a single type ot 6 mm piarl «n the center. To make the center portion cum. add n*ore beadś to (out adjatrnt mlumns ot hcrtingbonc śtitchos. I bc ropę will nuturaily cutse toward the colutniK with tewer beadś. End tbc ihicail.


Togglo bor

[1]    On I yd. (.9 m) ot htclinc or Power Pro, pick up two lis, a 3 mm pearl, two Bs. (out Av, two Bs, a 3 mm. and two Bs. Workmg m two drop peyote łBasicsJ.stiich a toral ot ci«ht mm tollnwing ihc cst.tbiishcd pattern. Ticar the 3 mms as thoufth they wcrc a pair of 11S (figurę 5). Zip up (Basics) the odges m ń>»m a tuhe.

[2]    Se w chroufch the hcadwork co exit an li* at one end ot the tubę. Picfc up a 3 min, and sew throiigh the oppocite end 11v. Scw róroujth to rhc other end ot the tubc, and re|>ejt. End the thread.

[3]    Add 13 in. <46 cml ot Eirelinc or Power Pto at one end or rhe nceklacc. and cvit an 1 1" in che fuu! tound. lVk up styro 11% srw thrnugh the imddlc

34 BeodłBucton www.BcoeAmJSuttonccro


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