Untitled 40

Untitled 40



H you usc Japanese soed beads for thc boso, you may flnd that a fair amounl of Ihread remains cxposcd when you're adding the 4 mms. To hłde the oxtra thread, pick up a 15 seed boad in the same cołor as tho base aftor oach 4 mm so it słts noar the center of the flower. - Julia

Row 4

[1]    Identify thc center słilch in row 1.

It thc center stitch does im havc thrcc heads .dong tl>c top cdgc.    one

of thc adjaccnt stitchcs. This will be tbe center point of thc neddacc. Fmii thc stitch in row- 3 that is direcdy bclow thc one you just uJcniified as tlić center m row l. Count s«vco michcs to -uic *ide. AJd a new thread in the hradwoik,and cxit thc iocnth stitch front thc ccnrcr, with the itotdle pointinjt toward tlić cvntcr of thc no: klace,

[2]    Work cight sntehcs 05 in row ?

!Upora 7, a-b), Work one additional iłitch with 10 11'> (b-c) to add an etetra tri.inglc in lite central flower, then finish the tlower motif with a stitch using five

I    l^s (c-d)

[3j Work $i.\ nsorc stitchct as in row i to complctc the row.

Row 5

[1]    Scw through the beadwork to cxit llic tourtli stitch from thc end of row 4. with thc nccdle potntmg toward thc center of thc necklace.

[2]    Work 12 stitch es as m row 4 (tiguro 8).


[1] Regin addittę tlie fire-polishćd bends in the mśddle of the top row: Scw through thc hcadwork to exit J middlc

II    * of a tri anglt aiotic dic outer edge o! lite flowei shapr. Pick up a cołor A 4 mm firc-pohsbcd bead. cross thc empty space in the middle of the stitch, jixl scw through .ni :<djacmt “walł* of 1 Ps a rui the ncxt iwo 1 l“s tn thc Olttcr edge Iflpuro 9). Rcpcar around ro fili cach triangie of tltc flower shapc with

a 4 mm.

[2]    To fili thc center of tlse flower, scw tli omgli the hcadwork ro cxit a bc.td tn the center circlc, pick up a i mm fite-polisltcd b.-a J, and sew through thc oppositc "wali" of 1 T-s (figuro 10).

[3]    Rcpear tteps 1 and 2 tu add ilowers along tbr iciigtlt of the iks Mmc. Alternate thcin in a rigetęging fashioo. usmg colors A, B, and C as dessted. Whcti yuu till thc ccntci flower, you’ll need to add scvcn 4 mms. Lf deHted. usc a S mm tondellc in tbe niuidle of tbc center flower. Fili in thc ar ca lielow

ihecentcr flower as destred. Knd nil remaming tłucad?.


Flower bcod

[1]    On 2 ft. (61 cml of Firełine, ptsk up fise 11% łcarinp, a 6-m. (15 cm) r.ttl.

Tic thc bcads into a ring wńh a sguurc knot (Basics).

[2]    Pick uponc I mm and four I Is. Skip the four 11 •*, tew hack ihrtiugll thc 3 mm. atsd cominuc through the r»cxt 11- in the nng (Figuro 11. a-b).

Bead&BuMOo I www.Beos^ndB jttoieom



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