Videvik schemat3
Center Seetion
Establish patts for center charts as foli (see Notes): Work Row 79 of Right Center chart across first 116 sts, ending with the center st (shaded gold on chart), then work Row 79 of Left Center chart over 113 sts—225 sts rem. Work Rows 80-94 of charts once—197 sts rem. Rep Rows 79-94 four morę times—69 sts rem; 1 center st; 26 sts on each side of center inside markers; 8 garter border sts at each side: 158 chart rows completed from beg. Cont in patt from charts. work Rows 159-186 once; notę that in Row 185 of the Right Center chart the (sl 1, kl, psso) dec eliminates the center st—18 sts rem. With RS facing, knit 1 row. Break yarn. Ieaving a 12" (30.5 cm) taił. Place 9 sts each on two dpn.
With WS facing and taił threaded on a tapestry needle, use the Kitchener st (see Glossary) to graft the two sets of 9 sts tog.
Handwash gently in mild soap and warm water. Błock shawl to 62" (157.5 cm) wide across top edge and 36"
(91.5 cm) from top edge to tip of lower point, using blocking wires threaded through every edge stitch along straight top edge, and pinning out each (sl 1. k2tog, psso) point along the remaining two sides. Allow to air-dry thor-oughly. Weave in loose ends.
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