H wiec trader will undcretand tbat vcnturing on thc lucratirc trodt witb tbt Dwarfa in Barak Varr. Karah-H:ul or Karah 6ight pcahs will cntail nothing l«»» tban continua! bardebip bungcr tbirat. buming beat and attacka rp foul banda of murderoua grccnakin iriganda.
‘,caving tbc cmliaed bcartland of Iraby travcl along tbc coaat road witb ire until you rcacb tbc bcart of tbc ncicnt land of Ncbckbara.
asa tbrcugh Zandri witb baatc. Cbcre no sweet water tbcrc. only tbc iggiab red flow of tbc poisonous rirer ima. Y°u nw> f«nd aomc bopeful >la wbo aim to get rieb looting tbc :»cnt tomba. Cradc notbing witb t» for it will bring only ill luch and v dcatb. Ccarc bcrc guichly. aroiding blinding aalt flats and trarclling in c treli armed groupo.
ivoid tbc MarabcB of Madnesa and ten tbc trip tbrougb tbc ipitablc Orc infested Badlands. you remi soutb towarda tbc ©oblin n Red Cloud Mountain.
tbis ncet of cril is elear on tbc tn tum to march parallcl witb ountaino. If you get too cloac to told tbcy will aurcly slaugbter you 5ur caravan.
tbc Blind Riwer to tto wourcc. your camcle if any atill lioc. rtally you can trade tbem witb ślin filtb tbat infc9t tbcec parte, tnh of camcla as a dclicacy and Ktimce allow you to pasa ted \f you giv« tbem tbcir fili.
y to erosa tbc bcart of tbc i. Numbcrleaa tribca of Orce lina war for dominantę of tbis tetcland and cvcn if one tribc ing to allow you to pass be ctber do:cn will aurcly
tbie adricc and it may be will ccmc aafe tbrougb and kc a well camcd profit.
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