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Ayr Earrings (cont.)
3) Place 14° beads on your left hand loop,
push them back along the loop out of your way, and tat
R3; 1 °c° 1 §§§§ 1 °o01 °° 1 °o° 1 %2 - 5/^-
Place a pearl under the closed ring and make a
4) Place 15° beads on your left hand loop,
push them back along the loop out of your way, and tat
T^\ Ą 1 OOOOI OO 1 ńń 1 OO 1 OOOO 1 /
^4; 1 1 ° 1 1 ° 1 OOOO 1/
unload the shuttle, and leave it for now. After you complete positions 5) and 6) follow the finishing techniąues below.
5) String 17°+ ° on the second taił, place: 11 ° on your left hand loop, push them back along the loop out of your way, and tat
R5; 1 gggg 1 °o° 1 °°° 1 °o°2 - 5/*^-
To make certain that all pearls are on the right side of the earring, tum the closed ring so that its picot looks left.
Place a pearl under the closed ring pressing it inside from undemeath, and make & PULLED LOOP join.
6) String 22°+ ° , place: 14° on your left hand loop,
push them back along the loop out of your way, and tat
R6; 1 °o° 1SSSS1 °o° 1 °°° 1 °o° 1 °°2 - 5/-0-
Turn the closed ring so that its picot looks left, place a pearl under the ring, and make a PULLED LOOP join.
There is a shorter version of these earrings, •> with 4 rings in the pattern instead of 6; but you will have to re-count the number of beads and pearls you need.
Use positions: 1,2, 5, and 4 in the above pattern, and the picture.
To finish an earring see position II on p 24.
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c Page# Ayr Earrings Take about 4 yards of thread, so that there is enough thread to load a shuttle.INFOST XXX Page 6 of 7 Class participation will be based on your regular attendance at class meeting21 (836) ryt Always make up complete flowers on your ąuilling board before sticking them on to yourc Page String of Flowers -1 For a sample take 5 yards of thread, string 100 seed beads on one taił.ipe 61 im 128. Place your hands bchind you on a chair and brace yourself on yipe 36 70 70. Raise your leg and place the palm of your band on your knee. Kccping the rest ofc Page String ofFlowers -1 (cont) 10) SR: 3 + (join to R8) 3 0°°3 - 3 ~ 3 + (joinpage20 cRING WITH FACETED-GLASS BEAD FLOWER The dark-colored beads on the band of this ring, togetheCartoon?kes ?bbie Brown 6 Onco Taz s mouth area ts stuck in place, mark Unos on eithcr sicie ustnSmocking The finished smocking piece has a pronounced texture. Sewing smali beads on top of tho smoc72095 img009 14 14 Kul on mieczem niezgodę, strzały po ziemi rozsiewał, W złote strzemię wstępował wWFB VI Orcs & Goblins Page H wiec trader will undcretand tbat vcnturing on thc lucratirc trodt wiUp?at 3 Teacher s Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 044 FM PI1 (153) Spy Circuits Strona 14 z 46The Circuit on proto-typing board - a quick way to build a projecwięcej podobnych podstron