The finished smocking piece has a pronounced texture.
Sewing smali beads on top of tho smocking stitches makes the piece particularly attractivo.
Smocking on a stockinette stitch background
In 2 x 2 ribbing, catch only the outer knit stitch with the needle each time.
If a s\\ oater worked in ribbing or shakcr knitnng has gcxtcn Mretched out and too wicie* ii was wom and washed lrc<|uc'ntl\ you can get ii Kuk into sIia|X* with smixk mg. Depending on the desired width of the sweater. you can snxx k the whole sweater, just the niidcfle or the sides. or even jus* indivicłual wrtical strips.
In shakcr knitting. larger intcrvul$ between the smocking stitches are morę attractiw. Herc again. the width of the knitted piece will be reduced by about 250>‘.
You can even smock crosswise ribs: For this pattern, you alter-nately work 4 rows of stockinette stitch in turquoise as well as 1 row of knit stitches on the right side of the work and 3 rows of reverse stockinette stitch in dark blue. Smock the knitted piece after you have blocked it: At intervals of 1S-20 stitches, sew 2 dark blue ribs together and shift the smocking on the ribs above the first two.