!B57QDN!BGk~$(KGrHqMOKnIEy21d!VvkBMvf0vJrp!~~ 3
START ING—The air valve can be locked in a cioaed poeition, whic^i materiały kelp! eaay •Urtlaf. It operalea aa foliowa; Puli out knurled button "12," nivc one-quartłf tum When motor ii atarted, turn button "12'* back. Thia releaaea air valve <'A” and allowa it to operate in the cuatomary rnanner. The lockinK feature of thc air *i|ve <Joei not in any way alter thc inatructlona for adjuatment of the air valvo.
When fint atartinR the motor if it backfirea. on account of thc motor being cold, do not readjuat the carhuretor, but wait umil the motor warma up.

Fi |. 8
Indian Nchchler Cnrburotor, RhowInR Conalnictlon Auilllury ii Ir vulvc accilon ul lowcr left; lilftli npccd adjuatment iii uppcr
I»*ff. Nic detiillrd Inatructlona.
HKMMi V FOK PIllODINt; Cli rai mre ahnulil I" takrn t«. .<. that therr »»• n.» Partiilea uf diit or fureittn lubatancc In tlm tunk <»r lilie, aa -my forrlgn iiiatacr iiiipnin il,r teguUf llitw nl gaaollnc, mil rauii i t lir •arburrtor t« mlaa, nr bark lite. Dflmiiiinca par-ttilfa i>| ilirt i,r aediilHiM froili th» iptanlinr will l<»*J>{<■ uniler the Moju valvc II, prevrnt ,nl *•»>'• Jrniti »e«iiri|t pmprrly, and wmae flmnllny
Iii ordi i i,, r|. jn 11tr lloai vulvc te-Mi remóv» «lir bł>*l up and ralie Moat valvt, •llowlng tl.e earbumnir to l.e Knahed th..rou*hly T« *Imh out the bowl «.f tl,« rarbute. ••ar r»movr Ute IkiwI by dlatomirninił <•" traaollnr lin* a||d ren...>Ina lh» bo*l l««k nul 41 the butlom,
III, iop0f ihr torii 8oat ahoul.l be lrvrl and m*MUra 1911 iltch from tl.r lup ul tl.e
bowl wlicn float valvr it acated.
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