to beat each otber at every conceieablc sport—just right Iiv-ing. The rcsults can be plainly scen. as Nictschc saw it years ago. without being ablc to demonstrate it—A NATION OF SUPER-HUMANS.
fExecutives and Posturę
Any executive. without posturę, will soon have ailmcnts. It must be borne in mind tbat continuous plan-ning and thinking creates a certain dis-turbance in the head—the veins and arteries are constantly called upon to supply blood for action demanded by tbought. This is so different when contrasted with their bodies, which are continuously slouching and rest-ing on the abdomen and the stornach. Most often. these men eat unwisely and too much and are subjcct to the sevcre troubles of constipation. headachcs. colds, and many other ail-ments. It is pitiful to see brilliant men in this condition. but far morę sad when tbcy s u b j e c t thcmselees to strange and unnatural methods in order to overcome their physica! ailmcnts and in trying to attain better health. For instance. many men of middle age join a "gym'' or so-called "Keep-Fit Club." How I wish I could approach all of them and make them see and rcalize—show them that they ant the ones referred to in the Bibie as the “blind and the deaf." when they pass up a simple system of health attainment from naturę and go searching through expensive gymnasiums for the health they nevcr find.