!B57QJV!!Wk~$(KGrHqYOKiQEy4+p6ennBMvf0+Jvjg~~ 3

!B57QJV!!Wk~$(KGrHqYOKiQEy4+p6ennBMvf0+Jvjg~~ 3


Kccp wheela petfcctly trued. A wheel out of truć caurca rapid tire wear and reąuirci morę power to dme tlić machinę. Rcplace brokrn tpnkea 91 *oon a# poiiiblc. Riding a tire »o(t cauier apokc* to looicn and wcakcni the wheel. Go over atl ipokea atolem oncc a ivcck and tighten when necetiary. !n replacing a apoke, bc mre that it doei not projcct imidc the rim aufhcicntly to injuic the tire

Fig. 11

Cros* Seetlon of Threc Spcet! and Clutch ahowing asspnibly of componcnt parta


cotter pin from tłit aalc nut on the left lide and unrerew the nut 1 ift the front forba elear uf the ground and puli or drift out the centrę axlr. The wheel will then be free of the beli cranbi To replice: havc the (orka clrar of the ground, linę up the hub centre with the hole* in the beli crank. and pul the aa.1t In from right to left Secute with nut and entter pin Sec that wheel runa centrally with rttapcct to the (orki

TO TA KB OUT TIIE KLAK WHEEL. SCOUT-Dl.ęonnect the cham and re muvcit from the rear wheel .prochel Unictew (lir icrcwaon the clip holding the brake on to the lowrr framc of tlie tnotorcyde Dliconnett tlić brake rod from the rear uperating lcver by tenuwinf the apring pl» Kmiowr the iit(ht nut and dlauncr piąte from the centre u.le and puli out the a*le

In rrpticing. »»e that the apoul ihapcd piece ia nn the left rmJ of the hub and that U fiu properly In the rcre.ie.l npenlng. Hcverie th* uprrałtoa of uking the wheel out when rrpltt' > 11M !*•


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