Mc ittllFr thr
ricur* 1-10. Cylinder diwonneeted. ready to remoee onec a wcek.
nf elearuiicc Mwccii «tnn uml tappet on the cxhau»t vulvc by tlipping n of business utullonery |K. tween tłu m. On theintake vulvc do not try to get av much clcarancc, hut just cnough so that the valvc stem docs not ridc on the head of the tappet. 1( it does ride, the valvc will not seat and loss of power will result. Be surę to test the clearances when the motor is COLD. Do not forget to tighten the lock nut "B" on volve tappets. AU valve tappets should bc inspcctcd
***** First opermtion La rcmoving cylin^1
One of the unavoidable i\\$ that motors are hcir to is carboniiing. Afterabout 2,000 tnilcs running, the cylinders should be lakcn off and the cxplosion chamber and piston hcads bc inspected for carbon Exccsavr use of oil will causc carbon to form rapidly on the pistoos and in the ex-plosion chamber. This deposit of burnt oil causcs overhcat-ing. pre-ignition and "knock-ing" and lowers the efikicncy of the motor. It is adeisable to en trust car bon rcmova\ to the dealer, unlcss tbc ńder bas had csperience wńth this Work.
The aceompanying \\lus-trations show how the cylin-ders mav bc removed \ńth a
Fretach tpork pluj; wjfts. re-move front nhamt toht Great care mutt be uken in removing the erhaust pipę nuta, owing to the fart that the heat of the ahaust *aset has a tendency to bakę these nut* on to the cylinder mppłe. Bcfore attempting to remove either of these nuts a smali quantity of keroiene should be squirted arcaind the nut iod allowed to stand for a sbort time to allow this kerosene to
Figurę 3-11. Sccond operation in cylinder remoral
___ V. J . r ^ f tfl r.lfj -
If they do nr t thea ioosen readily. it wiD be necessary to run the motor a sbort time to
heat these parts slightly. Then tap the nut lightly and use great caution in putting strain on these nuts with the wrench.
Without tliis preliminary eflort, cylinder heads havc
often been broken bv a man
putting on his wrench and trying to jerk the ipipe nut loose. If dealers and riders will follow the method out-lined, howcver, there should be no trouble \vhatever in re-moving these nuts.
Disconncct clutch hand lever at bottom of roddng piąte and push lever back-ward. remove relief piniou lcver and sleeve, disconncct and remove carbureter. dis conneet and remów motor base breather pipę on eam case.
Figurę 4-11. Cylinder ir-e i: era