together is what makes a piece perfect. After all, what good are neatly knittcd parts if the seams are crookedl With thc amount of rime and attention yon spenr on knitcing, careful sewing is the nice finishing touch.
“Spccial Techniques" rei a te to different knirdng patterns, with hints and rricks for thc best results. For example, double increases and decreases look better rhnn single ones in shaker knitting. And even shortcncd, slanted rows are a brecze with our instmcrions.
Seahorses and roscs are only two cxamplcs ot how you can beautifully embellish a sweatcr. The chapteron “Decorative Details" includes not only many cmbroidery stitchcs but also bobbles, poimpoms, fringes, and tassels.
"Practical Hints” tell you how to calculatc the number ol stitchcs needed for a sweater, and how to convert patterns tor different sizes and different yarns. You will find hints for designing your own sweaters, tor knitting according to a pat tern chart, for fixing dropped stitchcs, for shortening and lengthening finished pieces.
So that you can start right away and try out your knitting skills, detailed instructions are given for all the designs shown in thc book as wcll as for knitting glovcs, mittens, and socks. I here is also ;i whole paletrc of beaudful patterns.
A finał notę: Sonie knitters havc to “warm up” first. Many people knir relatively loosely for rhe tirst two or three rows umil they get to their usual tension. So keep a smali practice piece on band— thc ty|v of yarn and needle size are unimportant. \Vhenever you havent knir in a while, tirsr kmt a few rows on rhis practice piece before you start working on your actual project.