Whether they are round, horizontal. or vertical, whether they are knit in. crocheted on. or sewn on— heres a suitable buttonhole for anything you want to knit.
purl stitch (i.e., after a knit stitch) and rhen knit the purl stitch togeth-er with the next kmi stitch. In the nexr row. work the yam over m keeping with the patiem, knitung it not rwisred.
On facings in 2 X 2 ribbing. a round buttonhole is always worked over the purl stitches. In a row on ihe nght side of the work. work a single dccrcase over the second knit stitch and the first purl stitch (slip the knit stitch knitwise, knit the purl stitch, and pass rhe slipped stitch over). Now make 2 yam ovcrs and knit the next 2 stitches (the second purl stitch and the first knit stitch of the next rib) together. In the next row on ihe wrong side of the work. knit the first yarn over and knit the second yam ovcr twisted.
lf thi> buttonhole is tix> largo, you can also work just 1 single dccreu.se, and m the next row on the wrong side of rhe work knit I stitch and knit 1 stitch twisted ovcr it.
In a row on the right side of the work. work a yarn over after a knit stitch, and knit the next 2 stitches together.
The buttonhole with 1 yarn over <top) is slightly smaller than the buttonhole with 2 yarn overs (bottom). Both lio neatly in the purl rib ol the facing.
On facings worked in 2 x 2 ribbing, work a single docrease and 1 or 2 yarn overs, then knit 2 stitches together.
Before you make buttonholes you shoukl know how large the buttons are as woli as how many buttonhole"- you need to make. It possiblc, knit a facing on and determinc the number and »i:c ot the buttons on the facing. When you knit the facing with the piece, you need to know the location oł the buttonholes tighr. front the start.
Ib detennine the sise of the buttonholes, put the button on the facing. stietch the knitting sligluly, and count out the stitches. It is bet ter to make buttonholes a little smallcr rarher than too largc, sińce knitttng stretches over tunc anyway, and the buttons would como o pen cusily.
On facings in I X 1 ribbing, work a smali burtonhnle like an openwork patiem with u yam over. It can hard-lv be seen in the fimshed facing, sińce it lies bctwcen 2 knit stitches.
This buttonhole is usually the right si:e for shouldcr facings on childrenN sweaters or for button plackets on polo sweaters.
On facings knit up and down, thcrc should be a purl stirch in the middle bo that you can work the buttonhole over it. Work a yam over before this