Spccial Techniques

Single’ shitkiT buttrng On one side, you lwic ilu: smooth siwki knitting stitches,...

...on the other, thc stitches look “mugh."

Needle inserted in stitch of row below:

Single Shaker Knitting

As thc na mc says, single .-.haker knitting is worked with the yarn ov«?r on only one sicie. This patiem looks smnoth on one side, almosr exactly like double shaker knitting. On the othcrsklc, the pattern looks “nnigh"; that is the >ide that U worked with thc yarn ovcr. You musi Jectde nghi tn>m the start which side is going to be the right sklc ol your work.

Again, make surę that you work a parł stitch next to the seh edge •nuli.-s Thenumbero}sdceheshas to be odJ.

It you follow the instruttbns gieen helów, the smooch, single shaker knitting «dc i' thc right side ot thc work.

Row 1 (WS): sclv st, * kl, slip 1 ptirlwise with yo •, kl, selv >t Row 2 (RS): >elv >i, * pl. k next si tog with yo *, pl, selv st.

Rcpcat Rows 1 and 2.

For a “rough” look on the right side ot the work:

Row 1 (WS): selv st, * slip I purlwise with yo, kl ", slip 1 purlwise with yo, selv st.

Row 2 (RS): seh st. k next st tog with yo. pl *. k next >t tog with yo, sełv si.

Repeat Rows 1 and 2.

Ot course you can also work rhis pattern hy inserting the needle in the stitch ot the previous nnv. In thi> case. vou knit aD the stitches on the rough side ot the work and nltemately purl I stitch and knit I stitch in the stitch ot the prevtous row.

Shaker knitting with yarn over

If you slip o stitch with a yarn over, the yarn will be at the front of the work, at first. You then insert the right needle into the next stitch as if to purl, slip it, and bring the yarn to the back of the work. If you are working in doublo shaker knitting. you knit the next knit stitch together with the yarn over of the provious row. If you are working in single shaker knitting, you knit the stitch.

Instead of bringing the yarn over the purl stitch, you can also simply knit a stitch. In the next row, you then have to insert the needle into the stitch of the row below. The stitch, which looks like a purl stitch on ihis side, will come undone.



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