Creative Doughcraft5
Make some leaf markings on one side of each leaf using the knife. Put some. glue underneath the poinsettia flower and join the three !eaves.
Dip the end of a wire into some glue, and push it 13mm (/lin) into the bottom centre of the bali at the base of the poinsettia. Push the other end of the wire into the
oasis, standing the flower up to dry. Make two morę poinsettias.

Making primroses
Roli out some yellow dough, and cut out one primrose using the cutter. Roli a pea-size bali of dough. Put some glue on one side of the pr mrose and join the bali to the centre. Cup the primrose with your finger and thumb.
Dip the end of a wire into some glue and push it into the centre of the bali. Cut four yellow stamens to 6mm (!4in) and push them into the centre of the primrose using the tweezers.
SPush the other end of the wire into the oasis, standing the primrose up to dry. Make three morę primroses.
Finishing and assembling the Christmas table centrepiece
I Put all the flowers n a safe place to dry. When the Christmas roses are dry, attach pieces of wire to the back of the roses with some glue. Mix a little green paint with some water to paint the insides of the Christmas roses and ivy. Apply two coats of varnish to all the flowers and leaves.
Push the Christmas roses into the oasis. You may find that you need to glue them into the oasis to keep them in place. Push the two poinsettias either side of the Christmas roses. Join two holly leaves together by twisting the wires together. Join two or three holly berries together and twist them around the pair of holly leaves. Add the primroses and ivy.
Tie the ribbon into a bow, and glue it to the back of the candle.
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