Creative Doughcraft9
Join on thc hat to the head. Fold over the narrow end of the hat, and secure with a little water. Roli a thin ropę of dough and join it to the edge of the hat with the seam at the back. Rough up the surface of the ropę around the edge of the hat with the point of a knife or cocktail stick.
Make a pompom mor- = smali bali anc jom r* to ne end of the hat ~«•<=■ five morę table name z =ces in the same way
Place the Santas on a baking tray, and bakę at 120°C (250°F or Gas Mark A) for about three hours.
Finishing the name places
MOnce the Santas arc dry you can paint them. I used the same colour scheme as for the napkin rings, so that they compiement each other.
• Red, for the Santas' suits • Dark green, for the hands • Black, for the boots and eye holes • White, for the fur trimmings and the eyebrows • Watery red, for their noses and cheeks
Apply two coats of varnish. Cut some card into smali pieces and write the names of your guests.

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