You can gct spccial yam gutde.s for 2-color or multicolor knitting. You hook or rhread thc yam into the eycs.
Anothcr way is kcepmg both yam colon on your lefr hand at thc same urno. First put 1 color yam aiound thc pinkie finger ot your leff hand and then around your forefinger from hack ro fnmt. Put thc orher color yam around your pinkie finger the same way, hut then put it around your forefinger from front to hack. The 2 colors emss in front ofyour forefinger.
Nmv altematcly work with thc front and the hack yarn as thc paltem rcqutres. In the case ot ir rogu lar patterns. if you aro knitting
Holding both yarn colors on your loft hand at the same time.
The guide with 2 eyes (leftl is for 2-color knitting. The one with 4 notches (right) is for up to 4 colors.
The dumunub are
*(4ggm*J ni łiic/i u um tiut the greatest distance the yam hus to be otmed on the hack u (fver 7 uitches.
with moro of 1 color, you have to tighten thc yarn on your pinkie finger Irian timc to time so that the stitches you knit with it don't hccomc too łoosc.
The yarn that i> not uscd is cnrricd along at the hack of thc work. It should not be pulled tix> tight. sińce this would make the knitted piece righten, hut ir should also noc be too loose. Tlus is particularly imporrant ovcr scvcral stitches in thc same color.
Herc is a linie rrick for maintnining proper yam tension: Every timc you change colors, work only 1 sritch in thc new color. Then the stitches on the riglu needle out to thc correct widtlt and correct thc length of the yam hemg carned along.
The yam not in use is carried evenly at the back of the work.
In |acquard patterns, rhc stitches are longer than in single-color patterns, so you need fewer rows for rhe same length. The density of the patiem derermtnes how big the diiterence is as cotnpared with single-color knitting. If you work 2 colon* in evcry rnw, and if the patterns are verv smali, thc ‘titch length can actually he the same as the stitch width. For example. a 4" squnre can havc 22 stitches and 24 rows.
It you want to make a sweater in which different patterns, such as single-color textured patterns and jacquard patterns. arc to hc worked next to one another to produce the same length. you havc to work shortened rows on the single-color side ro make up tor thc diftcrcncc (pages 146-150). Or you can make 2 Jifferent pieces and sew them together latcr, using invbible stitch (dont torget to includc the additional sch edgc stitches). Whcn you change patterns over rhe length. all that matters i- the stitch width. and that is rhe same for stocldnetre stitch, texturcd patterns. and iacquard patterns.