Whether your cal or child played wiih your knitting, or whether you werent paying aitention. dropped stitches arc a nuisance, but you can easih fix them with a crochet hook.
For Stockinette Stitch
Ii is quite easy to fix a mistakc herc. For knit stitches, pur the crochet hook through from the front—i.e., front bclow—and puli the homontal threaJ above it through. Repeat.
For Textured Patterns
Fot rcvcrse stockinette slitch, the easiest thing to Jo is to turn the work anJ crochet the knit stitches. For texuircJ patterns. you hnve to work Jiffcrently: knit and purl stitches as rcąuired by the panem.
lor purl stitches, insert the crochet hwk front behinJ—t e., front above— and puli the hoti:ont.iI threaJ through. Hien take the ciochet hook mit again.
For knit stitches. puli tho horizontal thread directly above the stitch on the crochet hook through that stitch.
For purl stitches, insert the hook into the stitch from behind -i.e..
from the top—behind the horizon-tal thread above it. and puli the horizontal thread through.
For overy purl stitch (and also for every firsi knit stitch). the crochet hook has to lx* taken out and pur into the stitch again.
For garter stitch. you insert the crochet hook into the stitch alternately from tlto front and back.
For Single Shaker Knitting
Herc there ls a smooth side and a rough side. Either a dropped stitch on the smooih side (the shaker knit stitch »iJe) or a rough stitch on the orher side has to be reseued.
It a stitch was dropped in single shaker knitting, you rnust fint undo the ir.JiviJu.il threads. as cxplained for double shaker knitting. In contrast to the double shaker knitting. single shaker knitnng always has idtemately a short thread and .1 long thread on boih sides.
For a smooth stitch in single shaker knitting, insert the crochet hook into the stitch, put the hook under the
On the rough side, catch the stitch with the crochet hook. If there is
...crochet the long thread. and then also crochet the short thread. Repeat these steps.
short thread above that stitch. catch the long thread. and puli it through.
still a short thread above that stitch. puli it through first. Then put the hook under the next short thread,...