Here are tlie instmctions for all the designs in this book—from intarsia work to embroidered children s sweaters.
The paper patiem* show only half the width. Only for rhe raglan sweater worked in shaker knitring i> the entire left slcove shown.
The instructions ask tor a normal cast on with 1 necdlc. Huwcvcr, yon can cast ihi in kitchcncr nh (sturting on pnge 22).
The nunibcr ot stitchcs indicatcd always inelude* schedge stitchcs.
Accoiding to the instructions, sntches ar rhe shnoldcr scams are always bound off. Howcver, shouldcr seams in grafring stitch or knit scams generally look henn l<-finfoh the seams this way. pur rhe srirches temporarily on a stitch holdcr and tinish rhe shoulders atrer yon are done with the sccond piece.
The symbols and abbreciations used in the instruetions are cxplaincd on page 237.
Sweater with Intarsia Pattern
Size: 8/10
Yam: cirgin wool yarn approx. 125 tn (1371 i vd.s) 50 g (Iłi 02); 450 g (15 V* o;) oi black. 50 u (1 V« o;) each oi turquot$c. red, green, ycllow, orange, pistnchio, and plum Basic pattern: Stockinettc stitch on si:e 6 ncedles.
Gauge: 21 't and 29 rows - 4" x 4' Rihbing: Alrcmatcly si:e i necJlcs.
Back: Cast on 128 st with black and work rihhng lor \ Vf starrmg on \VS. Contmue in stockinettc stitch with black. When the piece is 26Vi" long, bind oft the center 26 st, then 4 st lx and ) st lx, everv orher row. on Kuli sides, fur the necklinc.
When the piece is 27‘ i" long. bind otł the shouldcr stitchcs.
Front: Cast on 5 st with plum. 30 st with orange. 17 st with yellow. 17 st with plum, and 59 st with black (128 sr). Work in rihbing for lVi", keeping the colt u panem che same,
Conrintie in stockinettc stitch, following the patiem chart. Evcry row i- shown; I box corrcsponds ro I stitch.