When rhe piece is 17' long, bind oil on both sklcs cvery other row 4 si lx, 3 ii lx, 2 it 3x, 3 st lx, 4 >i 1x, and 5 st lx. Then bind off the remaining st straight across. Wlien binding off over a narrow cable, k2 tog lx. When binding olTover u wide cable, k2 tog 3x.
1 inishing: Work a double facing above ihe pocker srirch ,is łollows: First c;isi on ncw selv si with necdlc size 6. * work the next 4 st in cable patiem, 14 >t in ribhing, starting with
2 purl st, over the wide cable. p2 log 2x, rep from *, then after the IaM 4 st in cable pattern, cast on another sclv st (42 st).
When the piece is \ Vt" long. work another lVi" in stockinette stitch with >i:e 4 necdlc. In the first row, k2 tog lx above each of the namw cableś-
Tum the stockinette stitch part ot the tac mg m and sew it down. Sew the narrow sides on, using invisible stitch.
Sew the slccves on. then sew the side seams and sleeve seams.
Pick up 356 st trom lite front edges and the neckline edges, and work 1'/«" in ribhing. The first row on RS stara with sclv st, 2 knit st (sec also photo on page 60). On the right front, evenly distrihuted along the straight edge. work in 5 round buttonholcs ovcr 2 purl sr, in each insrance (page ICO). Sew buttons on.
Size: 4
Yarn: 200 g (7 o:) light mohair yam approx. 150 m (165 yds)/50 g (l Vi oz) and smali amounts ofcotton yam in ditteren t colon* for the hobblcs Basie pattern: Stockinette stitch on size 6 needles
Gauge: 22 st and 30 rows = 4" x 4' Ribhing: Altemately kl.pl on si:e 3 needles.
Back: Cast on HO st and work in rib-bing tor 1 U", starting with a WS row. In the last row on WS, inc 6 st evenły distrihuted (86 sr). Conunue in stockinette stitch.
When the piece is 14'ri" long. bind off the center 20 >t straight ucross, then 3 st lx and 2 st lx, cvcry other row, on both sides, for the neckline.
When the piece is l5'/«" long. bind off the shoulder stitches.
Front: Work rhe same way as the back, but for the neckline, when the piece is 12 V long, bind off rhe center 10 st, then 3 st lx. 2 st 2x, and 1 m 3x, every other row, on both sides. Slecees: Cast on 36 st and work m nhhing for l1*’. In rhe last row on
WS. merease 6 >t evenly distrihuted ovcr the row (42 st).
Conrinue in stockinette stitch and inerease on knh sides 1 st cvcry fourth row I7x (76 st).
When the piece i' 10 %" long, bind off all stitches.
Finishing: Crochct npproxiiratelv 80 Ktbbles and knot them evenly distrihuted onto rhe front and slccves (sec page 166).
Sew rhe shoulder seams, sew on the sleeves. then sew the side seams and s!eeve seams.
For the ncckhand, pick up approxi-mately 80 st fmm the neckline with a short size 3 circular knltting necdle, and work in ribhing for 2". Bind stitches off very loosely, tum the neckband in, and sew it on.
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