
Whcn tlvc piece is 24 W" long, bind ott the center 16 st. then 4 $t 1X, ł st Ix. 2 st lx. and 1 st )x, cverv other row, on both sides, tor tłx* ncckline.

Whcn the piece ts 27W long, hnJ otY the shouklcr stitchcs.

Sleeves: Cast on 30 st with black and work ribhing for 1 W. In the last row, inerease 12 >i evenly dlstributeJ ovcr the row (62 st).

Coiułnuc in stockinette stitch with hlack, and inerease 1 st everv tourth row 29x (120 »t).

Whcn the piece is 18W" long. bind ott all stitchcs.

Finishing: Correct the color changęs on the front, if necessary (sec page 147).

Sew rhe shonlder seams, sew rhe slcevc> on. then $cw the side seams and >leeve seams.

For the neckhand, cast on 116 >t with black on a short $i:c 3 drcular needle. and work in rotind ribbing for IW", then k 2 rounds. Sew stitches ol the neckhand to the necklinc usmg hack stitch. undoing the 2 knlt rounds as you sew it on (see pages 70-72).



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