

T O O I. S AND E Q U 1 P M F. N T

fe I? Tu o long bent gouges. The nearer one is —to s-ped andflexes at the neck, and is difficult

. : i:.-:bent gouge is much neglccted but is ' : making a convex sur face, especially on " curye such as on a ropÄ™, taiÅ‚ or stalk ir too deep a one is used diagonal to â€”ihere is a danger that it will tear the ne side. If you can not bear to have an _ roci on straight gouges, you definitely -- backbents, particularly of the flatter

FlG 1.14 Bent V chisel used to clean out the joiti between side and ground on an inside curve.

FlG 1.16 Backbent gouge rounding a stem on an inside curve.

Modifying Chisels for Different Purposes

Modifications may be madÄ™ to the tools to suit particular needs. I and many other carvers find the Swiss spoonbit gouges rather too upswept (Fig 1.17), and, though it hurts to do it, it is somctimes wisest to grind a length from the end and resharpen so that it entcrs the wood at a



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