


house 187, in Part I. Tha stralght, 11.5 cm long segment of the fitting corresponds in Its ahape and length with the morę compiete scabbard fittmgs found amongst the older flnds from Stradonice (PIĆ 1903, PI. XXX: 14). An iron. split spearhead, 8 cm long (Fig. 36:4), was disposed of in depression 104b, Part II. It also appeared to belong to horizon 4. An elongated, leaf-ahaped spear with an indistlnct rib, 8.2 cm long, represents a long-term, chronologically undlstlngulshable form. which also occurs as lanceheads (cf. Jacobi 1977,32-33; Todcnovfc’ 1964, PI. II, type IA). Throwńg arms, such as bows with arrows, slings and spears, would have been undoubtedly important for the protection of the fortification lines of the oppida. The composition of finds at Stradonice appeared to be similar to thatdiscovered from the acropolie of Zóvist (Motykovó ■ Orda ■ Rybova 1978b, 286-287), as well as to the proportions of arm types published from old finds by J. L. PIĆ (1903, PI. XXIX). Out of the 23 arrowheads depicted, 15 belong to winged arrowheads or to leaf-shaped arrowheads. 7 to spear heads (8 -12 cm long), and on ty one, which was about 27 cm long, to the category of lancet. The bronze strap-end of a belt (Fig. 36:7) was obtained as an unprovenanced donatlon. A number of strap-ends ars known from the older assemblages published by J. L. Pić {1903, PI. XXIII;1-4, 8-9,16, 17, 22-23, etc.). Their good State of presen/ation indicates that these objects could have been easily lost.

4. Construction components of houses and their furnishings

Several iron objects were found in association with the wooden structures of houses. These provide evidence of the usefulness of black-smith's products. The joining of wooden constructional elements was madę using the technique of mortise and tenon joints, as witnessed by a preserved fragment of daub with a rectangular hole (building pit for post 120). The conspicuously freąuent prints of split timber may also, at least in some cases. indicate the shaping of the ends of wooden constructional elements into the tenon shapes (houses 23. 57,187, 236, 276. post holes 120,162, 171, trench 42, pit 118, well 132). Since the earliest settlement horizon wooden joints were secured with iron spikes. Two spikes with anchor-shaped heads (Fig. 37:1, 4) were found on each end of the section running through sunken-floor house 117. They apparently joined the supporting wooden construction of the truss. Fragments of spikes with massive round heads were found in „Grubenhaus" Ił from horizon 2 (Fig. 37:3), and in two features from horizon 4 (settlement layer on the surface of gulły IV, Fig. 37:2, post hole 96). Another necessary carpenteTs aid were cramps. One of them was found in the fili of well 132, situated within sunken-floor structure 138 (Fig. 37:6). A massive iron door pivot, fitted with a rivet for fastening and an eyelet for pivoting (Fig. 37:9), was found in the settlement features damaged by the trench in Part I, along the south side of the main road. This represented one method of setting the door. A rectangular lock fitting (pit 116, Fig.37:5), together with a fragment of an anthropomorphous key (house 64, Fig. 37:7), as well as a chain-link (pit 116, Fig. 36:1), all belong to common objects found in households at Ceitic oppida. Their frequency of occurrence within Late La Tene courtyards is backed up by the evidence from the large settlement area excavated at the acropolis of the oppidum of Zśvist (Motykovś - Drda - Rybovś 1978b, 281, Figs. 13:1,15:10,16:6,23:8-9,25:16, 28:3, etc.).

One spedal group of components consisted of various iron implements used for cooking on the fire or related acthrities. A fragment of an anchor-shaped part of a cauldron-hook was found at the bailey (post hole 264, Fig. 363), which stratigraphically belonged to horizons 2-3. It presumably originates from a smaller simple type of implement with a short one-piece upper hook, as already depicted by J. L. PIĆ {1903, PI. XXXIX:7). Cauldron-hooks, no doubt, had a number of variants. Other older finds from Stradonice indicate their different sizes and designs (cf. Rybovś - Motykova 1983,126-127, Abb. 22:4-5). Fragments of handles of implements sufficiently long for manipulation above the fire were also found within horizons 2-3. Unforlunately, the two iron handles found in „Grubenhaus" 238, in the eighth courtyard at the bailey, cannot be morę precisely dassified. The smaller fragment, 13.8 cm long, (Fig. 38:4) has an offset cylindrically narrowed upper part, which is common in shoyels at Late La Tóne oppida (e.g. Manching - Jacobi 1974, Taf. 31, Nr. 558 - 563). The purpose behind the cleft in one of the broken-off ends, by the longer handle, 23.8 cm long, is not elear (Fig. 38:1). It might be the joint of a broken-off eyelet, which previously formed the end of a fire implement, fork or spit (Manching - Jacobi 1974, Taf. 31, Nr. 547, 553; Taf. 32, Nr. 564). Both handle fragments from „Grubenhaus" 238 were probably parł of a set, most probably consisting of a shovel and fork. The fiat handle with a tetragonal section, found in house 142 from the first courtyard along the south side of the main road (Fig. 38:6), also probably represented a fire implement of some sort. It was preserved in a length of 24 cm, and its upper end was straight, whilst its lower part was broken. The prong of an iron fork (Fig. 38:9) was found in the fili of above-ground house 198, from horizon 4, which was built in the area



Hmdtófd by Stradonice. Construc^^^^oom.*&* ^ 116; 6; faature 132; 7: feature 64; 9: W '• *



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