Look at these extracts from the text. Complete the table with the words and phrases in bold.
1 You have 33 friends now. yet within o few years you will hove lost touch with alt but a handful.
2 According to the survey. best friends ore not even the ones you see most of. but they ore the ones you think of morę often thon onyother.
3 The reseorch identiped four categories of friendship.
4 Pruners have a tendency towards making friends ęuickly.
5 Han/esters have o hardcore circle of friends despite spending long periods moking no attempt to meet them.
6 Gotherers tend to make friends eosily.
7 Men ore morę llkely to be gotherers or hon/esters. whereos women dominote the cultivator cotegory.
S One in three people admit they hove 'sileni' friends.
9 Despite the drop-out ratę ofpiends. six out of ten people claimed they value their friendships morę thon money.
Expressing contrast yet |
Expressing tendency are less likely to |
Giving statistics -ot morę than half |
Referring to a study / survey The study reveoled |
1 hub |
4 •/; rf .UlAtht} |
7 tPltt ' " ' |
9 . 1 ’• |
2 -ti<C 40 |
S ■ 1 Jto*. |
S x |
10 < |
3 |
6 | ||
U'f*t i i
Grammor reference page 26
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2 These findings arc from a survey of British under-30s. Complete them with appropriate words and phrases from the table in Ex 1.
1 90% of teenagers say they would turn first to their parents for advice on most subjects y, /1 the agc diffcrence.
2 tu . 27% of iwency-somelhings are parents.
thf \.rtf 'M 1 ...
3 Six out of ten under-30s are against marriage, ; ■ t. _up-to-date stausucs
show that morę people than ever are getting married.
4 Women h h. prefer their partnera to be oldcr than themselves,
: men prefer their partnera to be youngcr.
5 Men spend twicc as much time surfing the internet as women, / .-'<*/ cJ>t rdćł
women spend twicc as much ume as men watchingTV soaps.
TrC _that one in three has admitted to breaking the law _/r 1' *C _
«»'J 1 •’ agreeing that it was totally wrong to do so.
7 33% of women S3id they would consider cosmetic surgery, " only 10% of men said they would evcr consider it.
8 3% of ovcr-18s nu r vote in a rcalityTV show than in a pclitica! election.
Uktiu <o ĄfacnuaS
3 Do you think the findings in Ex 2 would be similar in your country?
4 Turn to page 29 to conduci your own survey and to report your findings.