For people who like embroidery

☆ Materials and eguipment

& Embroidery

Fabrics................................................. 1

Threads................................................ 2

Needtes............................................... 3

Toołs.................................................... 4 ☆ Preparation for work

Enłarging and reducing the size ol a

design ................................................. 5

Translerrmg a design . „......................... 5

Threading a needte and knotting............ 6

Beginning a work and fintshing the end ot thread.................-............................ 7

Pattern in practice................................. 8

Stitch gbssary...................................... 10

* Cross-stitch.............

☆    Double cross-stitch.

☆    Hotoein stitch..........

☆    Needlepomt

it Huck embroidery

☆    AppliqLje

☆    Smockmg

☆    Fnishing .

The basics of iKr mmt popular types of embroidery are ewplamed in thit book. The emphaus tt on kccptng ihe dir certom aimplc ind on ilłustraring « many of the tc<hmquc* aa pouibk.

You'II hnd (hal embroidery it i deltghtiul handicraft -jusi like drawmg a pKture on fabrac wiih brautiful. colorful threath and a nrcdlc Each sncch. fine or rough, conrnhutes itx uwn char* ter to the Work Begtnnm ihoold iry somcthing unall and pretty ftrst. li will hołd )xiur intercu and mtrodocc you to a lifclong hobby Krep thn honk al hand aa you work, consulting M when you are in doubt or cannor understand what to do Let tr become ynur embroidery companion

*    Cceyright © 19W Nihon Vog«* PuttteMng Co. Ud AB Rgws ReseiNOO

*    Pubkshad by Mhon Voguo Pubteteng Co.. Ud. Tofcyo, J4P*"

*    Soło ovor*M* datntoulors: Japan Pubteations Trw»nQ Co . Ud. PO Boi 5030 Tofcyo International, Totcyo. japo*

*    Distnbutors - Umted Sraws: Kodanaha internationafcUSA. Lid ttwough Hatpar & Row. PubtehOte. Ute-. 10 East 53«J Straat. New York. NY 10022 Canada: Fohanry A Whiasido Ud . 195 Aitstete Padcwoy. Manmam. Oniano L3R 4T8 Australia. Bookwo* intematonat. i Jaanu Streat Bawday. Sov*> AuaOaka 5007

*    ISSN 08704OOSO-7 Prnted in Mian

Design! Masano Onoe Mryofco Kairte. and M.sako Murakami

Photograph/ Cove« paęo, Tatsuro Hoshino Olher Cfłozatnno Nakamuta and NoOuo Suzuki Yutaka Iseya and ShiniChi Takashi Hagwaift



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