Materials t or 2 shuttles
tbreads of selected colours and weights
imriety of beads
crochet book
skarp needle
tapestry needle
lace pins
metal ring, 25 cnt (10 inches) in dianie ter ordę of calico, 35cm (14 inches) in dianie ter
frtf design is cjuiic interesting and absorbing. Somewhat like collage, it grows and changcs as you go along. It challenge*, ilu-expcricnccd tatter to combinc a varicry of tcchniques with Jifferent threads and bcads. ‘Found objects* and sparc motifs/braids can also be induded. Same of these may crcate a three*dimcnsional cffcct. The stitchcs used in the design illustratcd herc indudc node (Vicrorian sets or ric-rac), spiral, niignonette (sec pattem Victoriana on page 65), lattice work and padded taning (sec page 49), together with smali pearls and silvcr ricc bcads. These are held together in a web-like design by necdleworkcd bars.
You will need to skctch your design roughly in pcncil on a piece of paper that will fit insidc the circumferencc of your ring. Tat all the motifs, braids, cords and samplcs that you want to indudc as elements. Some of these will becomc fcaturcs, whilc others will be sccondary clcmcnrs or fillcrs. Movc them around till you havc the arrangement you like best. Be prepared to change your original design.
Oncc you are happy with your arrangement, centrc it on the calico and tracę it lightly onto the fabric. Then tack the calico design to the back of the metal ring, ensuring it is stretchcd firmly in place. Firstly tack any main outer elements to the ring omy, then tack the central arrangement to the calico. Lastly, tack down the fillcrs. (In this design the grecn padded cord was added last.) Now you are rcady to make the needleworked bars with a tapestry needle without catching in the calico. Fili in any scctions you wish. Let your imagination guide you, but kccp a balance between the posirivc and negative spaccs.
When all the bars are in place and the elements joincd like a web, rcmovc the calico backing. Do nor yet rcmovc the tacking which holds your lace to the metal ring. Finally, crochct around the ring to attach the web firmly, looscning the tacking as you procecd. Your design may be suspended against an appropriate background, or mounted in a support to be viewed alonc.