Materials 2 shuttles
No. 20 hlack thread 104 black rice/bugle bcads suitabte clasp
medium safety pin fine crocbet book
spacer, sligbily wider tban tbe length of the beads
Herc is a laćy choker which involvcs split rings and tatted squarcs. Refer to pnges 19 and 22 for detailed instructions on both of thcsc. The length of this choker is 33 cm i13 inchcs), not inciuding rhc clasp. If you wish to shorten u, removc 6 beads for cuch ring + square unit you dclcte from che pat rem. The width || approximatcly 2.5 cm (i inch). Ali beads arc loosę, to be plaecd on formed picots later. Refer to Method 3 on page 17. Thcrc should be a definite rigbt and a wrong sidc to this piece, so kccp the right side uppermost for the entire piece.
Choker braid
Thcrc arc two rows to this pattem:
Row 1: the squarcs and the split rings with 6 measured picots (7 on the ends)
Row 2: a continuous chain and placement of the bcads.
For Row 1 wind both your shuttlcs CTM: shuttle 1 with 6 m (67; yds), and shuttle 2 with 5 m (57: yds). Mcasure the length of your ricc or buglc bcads and then cut a spacer of sufficicnt width thar your closed picots will be just slightly longcr than the beads.
Row 1
With shuttle 1 rat a norma! ring with 7 measured picots. Insert the safety pin betwcen the threads of the rwo shuttles to reserve a smali space. Work one tatted square of 5 rows of 5ds. Follow this with a split ring of 3ds, mp, 3ds, nip, 3ds, mp, 3ds on each