75688 KIF80

75688 KIF80




6 sbutites or 3 needles

threads rn 3 cołours equiva!cnt to No. 20 cotton

crochet hook

Bell uith plaited braid

Do nor rakc fright ar thc numbcr of shurtlcs or necdlcs rcąuircd for this braid, as thc basie partem is rcally casy. You can tar a piece as long as you wish. Ali that you will need to master is rhe order for working thc plaited strands bcforc joining che rings a/ong each side. The braid on this belt was worked with 3 skeins or rayon equivalcnr to No. 20 cotton. It is 2.5 cm (1 inch) wide

and 57 cm (22'A inchcs) long. No mnttcr which thrwuk you choosc, thcy nmst all bc thc same thickncss.

For cach strnnd or colour you will nced I averagc-swcd shunlc and I large shuttlc. Refer co page 12 for ehe paltem for a large shuttlc you can make yoursclf and cut 3 of them. When you prcpare thc shuttlcs, wind lwice as much thread on thc larger shuttlc as you put on thc smallcr one. For cxamplc, should you choosc a skein of rayon which contains 18 metres, wind 12 metres on thc larger shuttlc and then, CTM, thc rcmaining 6 metres onto the smallcr shuttle. If you tac on a ncedle you will only havc to work out the length of carrying thread rcquired for cach ncedle. The rcmainder will stay on thc bali or skein.

Each strand follows a basie patiem. The smali shuttlc is Sh.l and thc large shuttle, Sh.2. With Sh.l make a ring of 4ds, p (or join to adjaccnt ring), 8ds, p, 4ds. R\V. Chain 12ds. With Sh.2 tat a ring of 4ds, p (or join to adjaccnt ring), 8ds, p, 4ds. Change to Sh.l and chain 12ds. RW and continuc the panem with another strand. For coarscr threads, the rings can be 3—6—3. Hasten slowly m order to plait thc strands before joining thc rings. The finishcd braid will bc worth thc care.

The plaited strands

When the shuttles for two of thc strands arc nor in use, kecp them on cithcr side of you. Sit on them if you want, but this is nor advisablc for ncedle tatters!



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