
I shuttle. or #5#7 needle

aVb- 20—40 thread

seed ptrarls. tO per motif

crochet book

20 cm (8 tnches) fabric

fusible mterfacing

snap fa sten er

1.25 m (48 incbes) matching cord or cham (optional)


Herę is an acccssory which may be worn as a clucch or shouldcr The morif repeated throughout rhc lace is ijuitc casy, so raiters of any lcvcl eon artempt it. The pat tern may be fotgthcned or wideited, so cxtrn motifs can be added as requirtd. On the bag illustratcd there arc 16 motifs, rcquiring IńO secd pcaris/bcads. The trim around the bottom is optional and lends itsclf ro your crcativity.

The basie motif

The basie motifs havc 10 rings and chains each and arc asscmblcd by the picots indiented in the diagram betów. Bcforc starting each motif place 10 sccd pcnrls/bcads orno the bali threąd. Then wind the beads with 3 m (37* yds) from the bali onto the shuttle CTM. Spnee the beads out as you go. Refer to Method I (page 16) for ndding beads to tatted rings. AU rings have 6ds, p/join, 4ds, bend, 4ds, p, 6ds. Chains have 3ds, ip, 3ds)

4 limes. Notę: When making the lace regard (he chain sidc as the right sidc so rhat the finished picots will lic fiat against the fabric; or you could tat the motifs with a    tmttn

definite front and back.

To make the bag, cut 3 ovals of fabric and 3 ovals of fusible inrcrfacing. Two of the fabric oval$ will be machinc-sewn togccher to form the outer and inner sides of the bag, winie the third will be folded in half and sewn on to form the pocket.

The scalę of the pattern diagram is 1 squarc = 2.5 cm (1 inch). A scam allowancc of 1 cm ('/»inch) is included in the pattern.

Follow the product instrucrions and iron the intcrfacing onto the wrong sidc of each piece of fabric. How to assemhie the motifs


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