2 sbuttles or §7 needle No. 40 red crochet eoiton 22 seed beads (optional) fine crochet hook triplc-folded blank gift card smali piece of backing fa brie craftglue
Herc is a ddightfully simple hcart to cnclosc in a card Yalcntinc * Day. It will surcly bc apprcciarcd. Latcr it could
includcd in a piece of patchwork .is a kecpsakc. The hcart itself measures 6 cm (2Vł inchcs) in length nnd width, so your choicc of card nccds to allow for these dimensionti.
Wind your shuttlcs CTM: on T shuttlc 1 wind on 3m (3% yds); and on shuttlc 2 wind on 4 m (4V: yds). Have the 22 secd beads loose in a shallow Container or on a piece of fclt beside the fine crochet hook. Each bead will bc added to a formed picot before iwo rings arc joihcd together.
Rcfer to Mcthod 3 on page 17 for the addition of beads to formed picots using n crochet hook.
Start with shuttlc I, using shuttlc 2 as a bali thread. As you tat ring A, gradc the lengths of the picots so tluir the middlc one is the longcst. This hclps to crcatc a heart shapc insidc as well as outside. Follow the visual patiem, remembering to slip a secd bcad onto cach joining picot betwecn rings. Make the join and continue with the ring. Notę that rings B-G have 4dś, join, 2ds, pt 2ds, p, 4ds, whereas rings H-K havc 3ds, join, 3ds, p, 3ds, p, 3ds. The tiny ring, M, will bc ratted with shunlc 2. AU chain spaces are 3ds, though the number of picots per chain varies. After ring M rat a matching side of the hcart umil you are at the top again. As you tat the last ring a second bead will have to be added as you make a picot join to ring A.
Once your heart is complcte błock it for a good shape. Whilc it is drying you can prepare the card. Cut the piece of backing fabric to sizc and glue it in place. Thcn fold the card in order to glue one flap behind the fabric. Set the card asidc to dry fiat. Whcn both the heart and the card are rcady, arrange the lace in its place and lightly glue it. Add a suitablc inscription.