

nadded Alice band


seguins to match

smali beads to matcb crochcthook __thrtftld

Boroniu Alice band, side co mb and button

Cutc in pink, or any colour of your choice, this Alice band is sure to atrract arrcntion. The tatting is composed of motifs of t\vo sizcs on which sequins have bccn substitutcd for beads. Motif A is rcally a ring to which 6 scąuins are addcd. Motif B adds a rpw

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° ,kc surę that they nil face the same way. Alt nr*.

!Ld in the centrę which is added to a for.:,. 4Vlcthods I, 2 and 4 on pages 16-18 of Tcchniqucs

Sequins on motif A

Motif A: Only a shuttlc wound with No. 20 thread is rcquircd. String the sequins in nuiltiples of 6. Before starting each ring include 6 scquins in the thread you wrap around your hand. Bat the ring as if using beads and slide each sequin up into place when it is requircd. Sec Method 1. If you choose to place a smali bead at the centrę of each ring refer to Motif B and Method 4. A scries of similar rings can be tatted without having to end off. Any length of thread bctwccn rings can be hiddcn bchind the motifs as they are attachcd to the Alice band.

Sctjuins on

Motif B: For this motif you will need both shuttle and bali threads, String 12 sequins onto the bali thread and divide them



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