Materials J shuttles No. 20 green

2 .v No. 20 complemcntary colom 5 smali beads


Herc is a charming thrcc-dimcnsional circular projccr for tattcrs whoenjoy a challenge. It is composed of ovcrlapping flowcrs jud leaves. This piece is mcant 10 bc vicwcd from one sidc only jt has a definitc riglit and wrong side. It can bc mounted in a sotall framc or anywhcrc that takes your fancy.

The beads are for highlights only, so ihcy need to bc smali. The choice of coiours for the flowcrs is cntircly up to you. For convcniencc, 1 have named the shuttles G (green), LC (light colour) and DC (dark colour). With shuttles LC and DC you tat the flowcrs traditionally, but with shuttlc G you do rcversc/vvrong way tatting (WWT) along the stem and also make the 3 rings of traditional double stitches as lcaves. The G thread fornis a circular foundation behind the flowcrs, with the 3 lcavcs iit intcnals. Refcr to Split Ring for wrong way tatting on page 20. Wind the shuttles as follows:

G: 1.5 m/yds

I-C: 2.75 m/yds and 2 beads DC: 1.75 m/yds and 3 beads

For C shuttlc only


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