I hft form of ctnbroidcry i» workcd ovcr ihc piran of cv«nly gathrrrd fabric It ran br workcd on wool as wcll aa thin cottoti. and on don. sinpca. and rhcrki as wcll as plam fabncs. Ibr arnount of fabnc nccdcd dcprtids on ihc kind of fabnr and siuchcs. bowcvcf. Thicc tinics thc w id(h of (hc fiinshcd mzc ta imnlly rnjuirod for (hm fabncs and Cwkc thc » willi lor ilmk fahwi Prcpjrc ihr fabnr by applying ihr aniocking don and ibr (uiiniiig thrcadi for gatlirring bcforc workmg ihc rmbro*dcfV.