10a 3

10a 3

T-cw^m-jA-lJ r\es

Floral llearls    Hoart Kil

Thcsc piiu.ni dci.iiH shouSd be usod in coojunetioo with the Form-A-Lines Ceoeial buinKtion sfccct,

•'Om at..." mc.ins bring ilve noedlc fam the Kick of tb: uort tluough u> the front “In ii..." mcans lako the noedlc froen the ngln sulc of tbe »oik Ihrough to lite back. On many seotiomt of (his design soroc hotc* arc uted moce tłun noce. •

Gokl throad on uhitc cant

,ł, eutr.n,i

V. Wnj I

Flowcr head 1 Sltown on flowcr 1.

Out ;it A in ;it Ił Out at Cinat l>

Out at li in at F Continuc this soqucncc umil the flowcr head is complctc using tlić finished diagram as a guide.

I c.if I

Out at <i in at II Out at I in at J Out at K in at I. Continuc this sequcttcc umil the leaf is comjileto using the limshcd diagtam as a guide.

Work leaf 2 a simil.tr way.

Copyujhl O >X» l> I

fW 2




Ctppiifci c »»


Aikl a slitch bctwccn 11 and li fot the Mcm.

I lowers 2 and 3 Work flowcr* 2 and 3 in a similar otv to flowcr I using the finished diagram a> a gunie.

Butlcrfly I Wing I

Out at M in at N (hit at O in at P Out at 0 in at R Continuc this scqucncc untd wing I is complełe using the finished diagram as a guide.

Wing 2

Out at S in at X Out at T in at U Out at V in at W Continuc this sc<)ucnce until wing 2 is eomplete using the finished diagram as a (mule.


Add a stitch hctwccn X and X' as the body.

liuttcrfly 2 Wotk hutterlly 2 in a similar way to botlcrfiy I using the finished diagram as a guide

Grouitd Out at I in at 2 Out at 3 in at -I Out at 3 in at I

llirse Form-A-l ines inunitlnii' are cop)rigbt C 2006 D J Iłesigns and may not be rcproduccd uiiliout pcrmission.

Pobłlfhcd by Card liwpiralions Tcwin Hill łanu. Tcwin.ltats Al A 01.L. UK Tel: 0I4»X 717000 I AX: 0I43S 717477


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