form a lineÎlebrations kit 2¾lls

form a lineÎlebrations kit 2¾lls



Cclchration Kie 2

Thew palftcm «kuiU «t*vVJ be uwd in c«w|giHi«o mth the Foon-A-I *ne% istna xt ln*in*t»ui 0»c<1

"Od *t " mean\ bc«ę the nerdk frorn Å„* hack cf the *<*k throucfc to the front "U* ji * mexu Ukt the ucedk front the nght v%4c of the nori throwjfc lo tbc hxfc On mjnj MUfen* ol ihi> dat£n wik N>Scv arc uwd oo« than ockc


Bell top M*mn oo beli I.

< hit at A in j! B Out at C w at I) l >ut al K in at F Comimic thi* W^uenct until the heli

top IV cłKnpkle

Bell Mtddlc Shownon heli I.

Owi at G in at II Cha at I in al G Out at J ni at I Out at K mm j Contmuc w thi* wtpactwc umil the mtddk iv complctc. Noce on the bodom nm uw ocr> Other hole

Bell Kim upper SKmn oo beli I.

Out ac 1 in* M Out at \ in at O Out at P »n at Cootinuc thiv vo|ucncv until the upper run iv compkk.

Bell Kim hmet Shnwn m» heli I Out at K in at S Out at T in ul U Out at V in al W Cnrtinoc fhiv Å‚OjwiKt imiIiI the kmw run i» complctc

Bell IÅ‚aw Mu osn .Ml heli Owi at I in at 2 Out at i in al 4 Out at 5 m at 6 C 'ofttinue iltic wqttcncc imtil the hawl i\ compkie.

Bell Clipper Slnmn »«n beli 2.

Out at a in at h Out at c in at d Ci ultimie lh«v wifuciwc muli llw clapper iv compkie.


Fi* a hem in place willi

*Jhc*i*c m etitchmg.

Musical Out at A in at II Out atCwatl)

Out at A inatl)

C hit at C* in ac l CM at I walG Out at II in at L Out at II tnat I Out al J in at K Out at LwiÄ…t K Out at I wat I Mikh the ofer nntc* iw the umc mi)

<    CXfti lii

Bcu Tirm-A-I nn inunirtx«jar e<P>v^hiO.*UOI OiUcupo and mav not be reprodoced withc%« permimcw PubAnhed by Card Icupam***

To*m Mdl farm. To*m. Ifertt Al 60| I., HK lei 0im7l?000IAX 0I4U 7I74T7


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