form a lineÎlebrations kit 2¾lls[1]

form a lineÎlebrations kit 2¾lls[1]



Cekltralion Kit 2

lhcvc paltem JcIjiK ihould bc uwd in umjumtiun »ilh thc fcnn-A-l.ine*< jenerał ItulnjUkm Oicet

"Out *    " meam brnij the nenllc from ihe back of thc v»«k thiou jh to the fioot

"In at " mant takc thc needle tirom the ngh* \ide of thc »ork through to the bach On miny sceticeis ot thił design tome hole* arc tned morę than once

Heli Top ShotMt on beli I.


Out *1 A inat B < >ul al C in al I) t )ul al K in at F Contimic Ihi* Mqucncc umil thc beli top i\ cotnplctc.

Bell Mnldle Shownonhcll I.

Out at C in at H Out at I in al G Out at J in at I Out at K in at J Continuc in tliis \c«jucikc umil thc mitlille i' complelc. NotÄ™: on thc bottom n« usc cs ery other Hole

Bell Kim upper Showrt on beli 1. Ornat I. in at M Out at N in at O Out at P in at 0 Continuc this sccjucnec umil thc upper rim i* complctc.

Dell Kim l»mvt Slmwn on heli I Oul al K mol S Oul al I iii al II Oul al V in al W Continuc lilii vci|ucncc unlil lite Imw rim i> complclc»<M<' *01 ni

Thcsc form-A-l mes inttructwint arc COpsilpht O MOI I) i Oeujm and nuy not be rr|KO<fcxc<J witboul pcmuvsion 1‘ubluhcd b) Clld InkpmilHMii Tcwin Å‚lill Fam*. Tcwin. IlfftÅ‚ Al t> Ul I.. UIC. lei OUW 717000 FAX: 01-01 717477

(kil IUw Show ii mi Ml 2.

Oni at I in at 2 Oul at I iii al Om ai 5 in al 6 Continuc Ihit Å‚cqi»civcc unlil lite Iwscl ii complclc.

Bell Clappcr Slmwn on heli 2.

Om ai a in al h Om ai c in al tl Continuc lliiÅ‚ sopicm. c umil iloc clappcr» complclc.


l i\ a how in place willi adhciiłt oc siiicliuig.

MuskaÅ‚ noics Oul al A in al li OutatC in al I)

Oul at A in al I)

(Å‚ut al C in al fc Oul al I in at (>

Oul* II mat I;

Oul al II in al I Oul al J in at K Oul al L in al K I Ku oi I. in al I Slilch Iloc olher notes in iHc same wa>.



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