Key to my heart

Key to my heart


Key to my Heart    Heart Kit

Thcsc paltem delails shoulri bc used in eonjunction with ihc Fomi-A-Lines General Instniction shect.

“Out at..." mcans bringthe needle froni the baek of ihc work througli to ilic front. “In at..." mcans takc the nccdlc frorn the right side of the work throughto the back. On many scctions of this design sonie holes are uscd morę than once.

Ciokl thread on whitc card.


Section 4 outlire

Scotion 1 Out at A in at B Out at C in at D Out at E in at !•'

Continuc this sequcnce umil to out at (i in at H. Noto that a hole is missed at tlić point niarked # (top of scction 4).

Section 2 Out at A in at B Out at C in at D Out at E in at F Continuc this sequence until to out at G in at H. Notę that a hole is missed at the point marked # (top of scction 4).

Scction 3

Copyright t> 2006 I) J Design*

These Form-A-Lines instruclions are copyright €> 2006 D J Dcsigns and may not bc reproduced without permission.

Published by Card Inspirations Tcwin Hill Karm. Tewin, Ilcrts AL6 OLL. UK. Tcl: 01438 717000 KAX: 01438 717477

Work Scction 3 using the finished illustration as a guide.

Scction 4

Work the outline of scction 4 in backstitch using the finished illustration as a guide.


Out at I in at J Out at K in at L Out at M in at N Continue this seąucncc until (lic hasp is complete.


Scction 5 Out at O in at P Out at Q in at R Out at S in at T Continuc this sequencc until section 5 is complete.

Scction 6 Out at S in at U Out at V in at R Out at O in at W Continue this scqucncc until scction 6 is complete.

Section 7

Work Section 7 using the finished illustration as a guide.


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