



Flower Kit

Tłicsc pattcm dclails should bc used in conjunction with ihc Form-A-Lines General Instruction sheet.

“Out at...” roeans bring the needle frora ihe back ofthc work through to the front. “In At ..." means takc the needle from the right side ofthc work through to the back.

• • • •

Flowcr Petals

Ali petals arc worked in the same way.

Out at 1 in at 2 Out at 3 in at 4 Out at 5 in at 6 Out at 7 in at 8 Continue until completed.

If you have difficulty in locating the second hole in the left-hand flower, as space did not allow us to mark each one on the diagram, you can easily ftnd the middle point (hole 2) by counting around the flower.

Flower Centres Out at 1 in at 2 Out at 3 in at 4 Out at 5 in at 6


Out at I in at 2 Out at 3 in at 4 Out at 5 in at 6 Continue umil completcd.


Out at 1 in at 2 Out at 3 in at 4 Out at 5 in at 6 Continue unii) complcted.

Thesc Fonn-A-Lincs instnictions arc copyright C 1998 Card Inspirations and may not be reproduced wiihoui pcrmission.

Published by Card Inspirations Tewin liii! Farm. Tewin, Ilerts A1.6 OLL, UK. Tel: 01438 717000 fAX: 01438 717477


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