Key to my heart

Key to my heart


Key t« my Heart    Hcart Kit

TllCłC pjtlcrn iłfUiN %h»uM l>c usod in ctuijunciion «ith ibc Fomi-A-Lmcr General Instmction łhect

"Oul at.nvan» hemu ihc neoilc Irom Ihe bark of the worfc through to ll>C front "In> lako ihc ikoIIc front Ihc nghl łtdc of tłic wotk through to the hick. On nuny scciion* of this design some hołe« arc u*cd morc than oocc.

< ioUI thread on wliiłe card

Pad lock


SkUo * O.IW

f * •

f N *

•    •

f \

•    ^

• •

•    V


Scciion I Out al A in at B Out al C in at l>

Out al K in at F Continuc this scquencc umil lo oot al (• inal II. Noto that a hole is missed al Ihc point marked ~ (lop of scciion 4).

Scciion 2

Out at A in al B

Oui at C in at D

Om ai li in al F

Conti mic ihiv Kipienie

unlil lo out alO in al H.

Nule iltal a hole i* missed

at ihc putni nutked “ (lop

of scciion 4).

Scciion 3

Thesc Form-A-Lines instniclioas ate copyright ’ 2006 D J Ocsigns and may not be rep rodu ccd without permission.

Published hy Card Inspirations Tessin Hill Kami. Tc win, Herts A 1.6 OLL. LK. Tcl: 0143$ 717000 FAN: 01438 717477

Work Scciion 3 using ihc finuhcd illuctralion as a guide.

Scciion 4

Work ihc outline of scciion 4 in backslitch using ihc finished illustrution as a guide.


Om m 1 in al J Oul al K in al I.

Oul al M in al N Continuc lhi> >cqucncc umil Ihc hasp is coniplcic.


Scciion 5 Om al O in al H Out al O in al K Out ai S iii al T Continuc thic sctjticncc umil scciion S is completc.

Scciion 6 Out at S in M U Out at V in at R Oul al O in at W Conlinuc this scqucncc unlil scciion 6 is completc.

Scciion 7

Work Scciion 7 using Ihc ftnished illuslration as a guide.


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