Wh«« a oeao atis‘ chocses to woiK « a aersana! p-etererce I werk to my fa«wle roddng d»r to me ir.irg -com wtfc a pitowbcoomed lap tray tar a wofk surfa* l Nr.o a llgtil cSrecsy ouettieed and a magnifying lamp cn toe tatrę Sesid9 me Others chwse to woik * a tabe or counier and sali others haw a stuło
Nd irar.er wtoe ycu choose Ic werk. there are a '<•» ihngs you eo need to De ccmioftaDb First, Ind a comlortaote ciiair. Buck suppert is essential as beodng cver wbite fceadrg <an De very stresslul to yar back rrusclet—not 10 mentol your Decom musetes Sooondly. eresu-e ę»Dd lighl. No mato your aps a magniłyirg glass on oe etretrety usef J aj limes. Ftosty a comfcrtabte work surtwe rounds out Ihe list.
My be ad mg educatoi moslty orne bom books When I slartod beadog. there were lew dasses being gń*n whete I Irre A numbor ol mngs were not cwcred to tooks-łke łnsnng end? noHy and good knołs lo use Trs (ołlowing are :ps I haue leamed tsewiere or madę up co my cwn. Ycu may limd Idom uselul
H you haw a ptoblem tore^drtg your neede darrpen llie end ot Ihe tornad and smoclh i betwocn your thumb and ndex lingenars. 8 wił spread oul słghfly and goł a Itde trener so i can pass ttrough toe eye easier. The deser you ho« ihe toread lo ils end. ihe easer il is lo insert into fra needte
Witem there are references lo "sręte thread yar needte.- yai w iust use one strand ol threed 'Dojfctetfreadng' rreans 10 pul toe thread Ihrou^h the neede unia too Itread ends rreet, and Ihe needte is centered.
In bead waar.rg. sooner w laler you wll run out ol tłWad in toe ctoange toreads n Ihe nuddte ol a project wtoout it batog noticeao-
mddte ot yar wortr. kły tavonte way lo add a new thr&ad is to u»e The rwuettens are dęta lec on the laorg paęe
a wea.e- s lewi.«you g« prohcient at ustog His knot. you can