1271083335314176529794E21592218468320071 o

1271083335314176529794E21592218468320071 o

V. Match thefollowing responses:




Can you give me a hand^ It’s ąuite risky

Ą- Weil, I’m not in a hurry.

B You need to ask someone in a\


I I I 1

The seminar begins tomorrow.


Why not?


The tutor will be here any minutę.

Not at all



i i

You need to check the data again.

i $ Just give it a go

6 '

i i

Do you mind repeating it?

f No problem.


Tm afraid I can’t do it.

Next time will be better


How many ECTS point can I get?

y{ Don’t worry. I know what I


Shall we do it now? *___

/Oh, no. It slipped my mindj


jl couldn’t answer the^uestion.__

|/But I’ve already done that. B


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