

Cakc    Wcdding Kit

Thae panem dctaik sbwU b< u«d in conjunct ko wilh ihc Focm-A-UsCł General Intliucliou vhcvl.

"Oat al...” mcaiu brej llic ncoEc ftom Ok back of Ibc v>x«k ihire^h 10 ihc fionL ”ln at...” meam ukc ihc needBe froni the righi ode ofihc woefc thioogh !o Ok back. On many tccliom of thit iScviga icmc    are uied taxe than coce.

OoM thread co wfchc card.

Cakc I

Hcart I

Oul al A in at U Oui at C m ai D Oul at E in at F Continue ihis scqucn<c unlil the hcart u coaiptrtc.

Work hcart 2 in a simihr «•»>


Work Ihc acrollt in haclutitch.


Work Ihc swirli in hackstilch.


Woik ihc pillais in backstilch.

Baw I

Work Ibc baic in hackstitch.

Cakc 2 Hcart 3


Work hcart 3 in a similar my to bcait I.


Work Ibc scrolli in front slitch.


Work Ihc swirli in


Buc 2

Work Ihc basc in front stitch.


Work Ihc pillars in


Cakc 3

Hcart 4

Work hcart 4 ina siroilar way (o hcart I.


Work Ihc scrolli in front stitch.


Work Ihc swirli in hackstitch.

Basc 3

Work the baic in front

Thcsc I-otmA-I.trKs tnitroctsco* are copyright O 2005 I) J Uciign and ma) not be rcprcdoccd wthoot pctmisvcc.

Publiihod b) Card Inipirstioru Tcwin Hall Fum. Tcwin. Heni ALA OLU CK. Tcl: OI45K 717000 FAX: 0I4JS 717477


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