3rd year students Mini-Test 3 x
2 . Collocntion* n>łnt*d to corporoto *o< responslbllłty
Choosc Ihe correct optlon to complwlo th« t«xt
Thank >iri a!l for comInK u* our mcciin* todary Wc *,łł usc this mceting to d«cu<s corporotc «ockal rospon^o'!' We all know ahout thc terrible accUlcnl that hapP«ncd ' wcck. Our fłrst responsibilily «s t*> th<- vict»m* OC cours w will (11 ęgfnpensatę t recognuc / limit them propcrl Wc arv nuw (2) uphotdtng, / uckruKrtalwnę. ' JKSZ>j}aJU fair setUcmonl. Wo want to upcnly (5) obey !£ę}<nj.i\uŁc / limit thc problcms that causcd thc incident and (41 uphold / ncgotiatc its impacl on thc cnvironment.
Wc recogntJEe that accidcnts somctitnes happcn, but d« want thcm to happcn at this company again. We arc inurcasing our social rcsponsibility program. Wc will i onfy cnsurc that the company fully (5) lim its / recogn obteys thc law and (6) resnecfs / $upports / hmits stan of common deccncy; we will also (7) thwk / unhold conlributc standards of comrnon dccency and (8) idc compens ale / rccagnizę mcrit whcn somcone impro\ tliesc standards.
I Ms Peters dccidcd to-
3 PU-asc lakę out the-
6 Has cveryone rcccivcd a copy ol today s 8 I think wc have to conccntrate and-
2 Pleśne don’t get--
4 Mr Han sen. plcase stop insisting. The vote has beon
5 Aftcr wc have covered any other business, wc wili —
7 Please receive my ----— for being !ate.
_ the mceting at 4 o’clock. and łook at pagc 5.
thc topie.
We have to make a decision soon.
the mceting
3 The company should ...
• enhance shareholder val ue.
• recognize employees' merit.
• give fair and adequate componsation.
• provide dean and safe working conditions.
• provide new equipment and new facilities.
• carry on research and develop innovation.
• encourage crvic improvements.
• support good vsorks and charities.
• protect the environment and natural resources.
• avoid expbiting devefoping countries.
• buiId a sustainable business.
And employees need to ...
have a sense of security in their job.
have equal opportunity for jobs and deve!opment.
feel free to make suggestions and complaints.
feel they can align themseives with the compan/s goals.
Read the corporate social responsibility declaration above. Complete the definitions 6-10 with words from the declaration.
6 treating someone un|airly in order to get a benefit fo yourself — , .
capable of continuing for a long time SiłSiAlMcU a situation in which people have the same chances ;
everyone clse _JUtoYttoi tu
things you say or write wheit you are irot happy j/la, agree with and support publicly ( J[e£l yourse’ with):