See 52. 62. 63
Superior gluteal artery
N. m the posterior and lateral views (superficial dissec-:rs). the upper fibers of the illiotibial tract (#') have been a.vay, exposing gluteus medius. (1) Color each muscle a i views, including the directional arrows, betore going * ‘p the next. The origm of piriformis (E) cannot be seen m •**$e views, but see Platę 52. A better view of the origin of tr.-ator internus (F) aiso can be seen on Platę 52.
gluteal muscles are arranged m three layers: the cs; superficial is gluteus maximus. The large sciatic •ir.e runs deep to it. as every student nurse has a.*ned well. Its thickness varies. Gluteus maximus •-■ends the hip joint during runmng and walkmg upij but does not act in relaxed walking. The inter-•ebiateiy placed, morę lateral gluteus medius s -aior abductor of the hip joint ano an important aotiizer (leveler) of the pelvis when the opposite v,er limb is lifted off the ground
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‘~e deepest layer of gluteal muscles is the gluteus - -imus and the lateral rotators of the hip joint. They b.er up/fill the greater and lesser sciatic notches.
~ese muscles generally insert at the posterior tóbect of the greater trochanter of the femur. The j-uteai muscles (less gluteus maximus) correspond : some degree with the rotator cuff of the shoulder :mt lateral rotators posteriorly, abductor (gluteus -edius) superiorly, medial rotators (gluteus medius ■rd minimus, tensor fasciae latae) anteriorly.
"ne iliotibiai tract, a thickening of the deep tascia •ascia lata) of the thigh, runs from ilium to tibia and -~ips stabilize the knee joint laterally. The muscle enscr fasciae latae, a trequently visible and palpable exor and medial rotator of the hip joint, inserts into ■'•s fibrous band, tensing it. Despite its major flexor -nction, tfus anterolaterally-placed muscle is consid-r'ed a oart of the morę posterior gluteal group; it inares its insertion into the iliotibiai tract with gluteus ~aximus, and it is supptied by the superior gluteal erve and artery.
Medial view ot I —Q
greater trochanter