19 music movement1
Musie and Movement
Continue with four shiny oranges, then threc until all are gone.
Finger Plays
fl\vo Lii tle Apples Way up high on the apple tree,
(Point as if pointing to top of a troć.)
'l\vo little apples smiled at me.
(Hołd up two lingęrs, then point to smile.) I shook that tree as hanl as I could, (Pretend to shake tree.)
Down came thc apples, Mmm, mmm, good! (Rub tummy.)
Fivc Shiny Oranges
Kive shiny oranges hanging in a tree,
(Hołd up fivc fingers.)
The juiciest oranges you ever did see.
(Point to your eyes.)
The wind came by and gavc an angry frown,
(Make frown face.)
And one shiny orange came tumbling down.
(Hołd up one finger then roli hands.)
Traditional Songs to Sing
“Apples and Bananas”
“Farmer in the Dell”
“Found a Peanut*
“Muffin Man" ’-----fc®,
"Oats and Beans and Barley Grow”
“Peanut Butter and Jełly"
OCurtou l>cllo«» PbM. CD-OB 19 19
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