1 (1)

1 (1)


Związki frazeologiczne 12

IB 2 A 3 D 4 C Zwroty i wyrażenia


ID 2A 3C 4B 5F


1C 2 A 3 A 4 B

Czasowniki złożone (Phrasal verbs)


1    madę up

2    looked down on

3    lets down

4    GeLtingover i> takesafter


1 D 2C 3A 4D

Zadanie maturalne 1


1 B 2 C 3 C 4 A 5 D 6A 7B 8C

Zadanie maturalne 2




1    Sprawdź się

2    Czasownik złożony; doesn't tako aflcr

3    Konstrukcja czasownikowa; apologise for losirig

4    Zdanie warunkowe; were you. I would find

5    Wyrażenie rfonly; only I hadn't told

6    Inwersja; no circumstances will I ever lend

Mowa zależna_


1    how much we had spent on our

2    me of breaking her

3    the dass not to leave the classroom

4    for stainingmy

Stroma bierna i konstrukcja *have7get something done'


1    not be forgottcn

2    will be wiped out / will have been wiped out

3    have been reported

4    beingtold

5    was not taughr / hadn't been taught 4

1    were not / weren't given sufficient Information

2    believed to have committed

3    are having our house

4    will probably have his tooth taken

Zdania warunkowe____


1    If Tom had some money, he would give you a loan.

2    If my girlfriend wasn't absem-minded, she wouldn’t have forgotten aboutour datę yesterday.

3    I wouldn t have been late for work / I would have been on time for work if I hadn't missed the bus.

4    If it rains heavi!y tomorrow. we might not / probably won't go for a walk.

5    Fiona would have a well-paid job now if she hadn't dropped out of studies.

1    had known who to turn to, he would have complained

2    know how it works unless you read

3    had cnough money, he would go

4    hadn't missed many classes, the teachcr would / might let meoff

5    a high mark for your essay as long as you don't make

Niektóre czasy gramatyczne_


1    've / have been painting

2    will have gone

3    arebecoming

4    wasdoing

5    reaches / has reached


1    sińce I drove

2    several thousand tourists will have visited

3    have you been learning

4    othcr guests arrived, we had eaten

5    hasn't / haven't overthrown the government

6    had introduced my girlfriend to my parents



1    Onlyonce

2    Should

3    Lictle

4    On no account

5    Hardly


1    did I realise rhar I had left my passport

2    had I stopped thinking about Dave chan I bumped

3    time was Peter aware that

4    ever do I speak English.

5    you rold mc the rruth, I wouldn t have

Wyrażenia wish i if only oraz zdania wyrażające życzenie/pkzypuszczenie/rapę_


1    I wish / If only I was / were tali.

2    I wish i If only Mark would stop talking about himself.

3    I wish / If only I hadn't eaten so much chocolate yesterday.

4    I wish / If only I didn't have to go to work tomorrow.

5    I wish / If only I hadnt been impatient wilh my daughtcr the other day.

6    I wish / If only my sister wouldn’t borrow my dolhes without permission.

7    I wish / If only I had enough time to read a newspaper every day.


1    I hadn't told my parents

2    Dorothy wouldn’t ask such

3    collected your stuff and left

4    you didn't wait for me

5    you won the lottery

6    I had kept you company

7    she hadn't gone



1    the fatt that the head teacher takes special measures

2    were red because she hadn't been

3    won't start baking a cake until

4    he was qualified and intelligent



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