Winga: At

actual height 1" (not counting earwire)



Skunk Zipper Puli

by Crafts Ga lorę

Bee Earrings by Crafts Ga lorę

seed henris: 132 błock, 3fi ycłlow

2' of 32-guuge silver beading wire, u ire ciUters

2 sitner fishhnok oanrircs

1(!nt tlm wiru iu hall’ and allaeli lialf to parli earwire. Folio w tlm diagram to bead eucli narring.

eanh end of tlip 1'onrth row, *t.ring 22 blank Imadft on thn rxlrndnd wiru, thun coutinun beuding thn body. After thn last row. twist tlie wire ends toarther and cliji. Shajm lim winjrs inlo nintrhing loops.

sccfl hetuis: J 76 blacie,

30 wbite

one W silrcr split ring 5' of32-gutigc sih er beatłing wire, wire r.uttnrn

page 2

actual height 3" (not



I Attanli tlip wirp to tlm ring and fołlow tlm diagram to bnad tlm łirst four rows. Fars: In the liftli row, pass onn wirn md throngh all tlm lmads. Pass lim ollier wirn thrmigh only t hn nnd blank bead on eacli side and thun through thn two whitn center lmads. Puli lim wireis so lim mul bnad* arn nvm willi lim row above and lim nar* arnh ii|> Ir om thn Imad.

2la*gi*: At nanb marknd point, follow the diagram to Imad a Ing—thn wirn form* a figure-8 through lim lmads, tlmn rrturns lo thn body. After lim lasl taił Imad, twist tlm wirn nnda tognther and clip.


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